Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with carlos omari
you need to stand out from everyone? let me help you out.
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I am engaged in mixing and editing the vocals of your songs, sound design
I am a professional Musician and Audio Engineer with an experience of 10+ years. I can help you record, arrange, mix and master your songs, create jingles, score your movie and do voiceovers according to your specifications. Contact for fast and accurate work.
US top 40 Charting artist/ producer. I have commercial releases globally on several different Major Labels. Still love music as much as i did the day it found me.
Asia Net India Designz is comprised of a highly skilled and experienced team of top-rated web developers and web designers in Mumbai, who work together as a cohesive one.
I am a 13 year old kid and I'm tryna be one of the greats one day. I started 3 years ago and already have a lot of the basics and some of the more pro techniques down. I can almost any genre, I just gotta have a startup. My best genres are all alternatives. Don't get me wrong, I do more than just alternatives, but I am a natural for alternatives!
Rafael Delgado is one of the most active explorers and promoters of the cello in Latin American popular music. He has participated in more than 150 recording productions of folklore, tango, Afro-Peruvian music, pop and rock, among which stand out: La Grela Quinteto de Tango, Hernán Crespo, Vuela Chiringa, Georgina Hassan and Rafael Delgado Sexteto.
I am a 16 year old Music Producer and Songwriter, bringing new and fresh sounds to the Music Industry. I have worked with major labels like "Virgin Records", "Sony Music" and "Warner Music", while being the youngest producer signed by Warner Chappell.
¿Listo para llevar tu música al siguiente nivel? Soy ANDER 101, un apasionado productor musical, músico de sesión, DJ y experto en mezcla. Transformo ideas en experiencias sonoras cautivadoras. ¿Necesitas beats irresistibles, mezclas impactantes o contribuciones musicales que destaquen? ¡Estás en el lugar correcto! 🚀🎶
Recent Successes
"Vintage Division did a really good and quality mixing & mastering job on my house track. Responded quickly to all my suggestions/wishes and surpassed my expectations. Also delivered on time! Definitely not last co..."
"Working with Kramer completely elevated our music. His knowledge and experience are invaluable. We were really proud of our music before we brought it to him, but now we are even more ecstatic to share it. KRAMER IS T..."
"David checks every box for me and then some!!! His quality of work and communication through the process is amazing!"
"GËKKØ is fantastic to work with. I have worked with him on 10 different projects and will definitely work with him on many, many more projects. If you work with him you will 100% sure get a high quality sound OR EVEN ..."
"I wasn't sure if my idea for my song cover was acceptable, but he answered me positively and even proposed improvements, simplifications. He understood right away what I wanted and I accepted his first proposal, a few..."
"Jeb ALWAYS does a fantastic job his harmonies are great too"
"Working with Pincho was a wonder as always. Great production, fantastic mixing, and mastering on point!"
"Elliot was awesome! Would highly recommend "
"Incredible! First time working with Noah and I'm super stoked about how the track turned out 🔥 Fast turn around. Great communication. Solid track. I would definitely recommend working with Noah!"
"this was the second time josh did the mixing and master for a song of mine and I'm very happy with the outcome. before we started he even gave valuable advise on how to improve the song and it just feels good when a h..."