Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Carlo Maiocco
Bassist and songwriter performing and recording in a variety of genres. Visit www.joeydolan.com.
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Grammy Nominated (Best Engineered Album) with 20+ years full time in mastering for all formats.
"Invested with a quiet grace and emotional power" -- Bloomington Herald-Times
Oud player and Composer!
Producer, songwriter, and session musician based in NYC.
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High quality low price.
1/3 of BORNE ALOFT - with releases on Maceo Plex's label - Ellum Audio. I provide professional mixing, mastering, sound design and music production services at very accessible prices.
Fast, unique and world class.
Recent Successes
"Austin was really nice !! It was a great working "
"Great Artist, fast and profesisonal. I love that sound. I really strong suggest her. Chris."
"Charlie was able to take my ideas and bring my song to life. Very talented, friendly and a pleasure to work with! Can't wait to continue working with him on future projects :)"
"Working with Arthur is always really cool! He is really fun to collaborate and experiment with on different projects and I always love the end result!"
"Just finished the fourth song on our new album and it's another stunner. So much fun to work with Marcello and his team! There's more in the works!"
"Derran delivered once again on Vocals On My Remake Of "Do It Fluid" by The Blackbyrds! Excellent!"
"Ken was an absolute joy to work with! He was so patient and kind. Me being the kind the artist that I am, I'm very particular and detail oriented with my music. Not once did he discourage me from voicing my opinions o..."