Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Cancamusa
Bilingual singer/songwriter and vocal producer specializing in pop, Latin, dance and music for film and TV. I’ve collaborated with Grammy award winning and nominated producer like Daramola, Mango, Juan Ariza, Lunchmoney Lewis and Illmind. Film and TV placements include Love Island and various Netflix shows.
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Kush Marchy
Music Producer/Artist straight from Spain.
I'll produce your songs, create music for your ad, TV or film production.
Talented artist and engineer that can help you get to that next level.
Specialized in audio mixing and mastering in the box and with outboard gear. I’m fine with editing too.
Professional piano player and composer. I was classically trained, have a master degree, and I play and compose for pop piano and keys since 15 years.
Mixing of various genres can be done on a low budget Optional pitch tuning and mastering
Greatly enjoy writing songs & poems as well as extending and remixing songs; looking to share this talent with others.
Recent Successes
"Brandon mixed my six-song project, and did an incredible job. He is extremely professional and organized. I have trouble finding producers who are familiar with mixing female vocals, but Brandon understood my sound ..."
"Winnie is amazing! I LOVE the song we came up with! She has such great ideas when it comes to both lyrics and melodies. And she's quick! Really looking forward to working with her again."
"J'ai découvert presque par hasard le trombone de Anatoly Borodin. Presque par hasard, car, pour auantant que je sache, rarement (jamais?) guitare et trombone n'ont été associés. Pour des pièces en solo qui semblaient ..."
"We’re just getting started with this project. Phase one complete and João was phenomenal. I’m ready to get phase 2 started! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️"
"Britt is a true professional!! Outstanding vocalist!! She is very easy yo work with. It is always a pleasure working with her!!"
"I am delighted with Dan's work for me. Great communication, speedy turnover and excelent result. His interpretation of my work and my wants were spot on. Great job, above and beyond the ask, well recommended."