Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Canada High
I'm a Toronto, producer and play live PA. Main genres are Techno, Deep House, ambient, experimental, Progressive Rock, Trip-Hop & chill. All my tracks are original and are produced in my home studio. On average I'm releasing 40 tracks a year on various labels around the globe
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I am a singer-songwriter who also plays rythm guitar. I started writing songs at an early age. Ive always loved reading and how words painted a picture.
Highly Sedated music producer, musician. Size records.
Music Producer for 20+ years, releasd 4 albums, many singles and remixes - over 200 remixes to date and counting...
I want to serve your song to help reach it's full potential!
I write music for artists who are looking to develop their own individual sound. Rappers, singers, musicians, and bands who are not just looking for a “type beat” but want to cultivate a style tailored to their own ideas, lyrics and beliefs.
Lili Alaska is a 17 years old Australian and French singer, songwriter and producer. Music magazine Cool Accidents named Lili Alaska one of the 10 groundbreaking musicians under 21 to watch.
Salar Khezri Diploma in Mathematics Physics 2009 to 2013 Bachelor of Electrical Engineering, Tabriz 2015 to 2018 Bachelor of Architecture in Mahabad 2015 to 2019 Contractor and architectural designer of the building 2017 to 2021 Activity in the field of executive, content production and production of car and Aphrodite clips Since 2010, I haveb
I've worked with many national and international successful artists as well as countless local and independent talent, in a variety of genres.
Recent Successes
"Overall I had a very courteous and extremely professional experience. The collaborated piece that we worked on was accomplished swiftly and with great attention to high quality output and detail. Such excellent servi..."
"Jordan was awesome! He was very easy to contact and communicate with. Also he brought a lot of great ideas and originality to the project. I look forward to working with him again soon."
"Dan is extremely competent in drumming and recording. He took a bare bones idea I had and fleshed it out with inflections that really brought the track to life. He goes above and beyond! Very happy customer!"
"MY DUDEEEEEEE! On God 🙏🏼 this guy is going all the way to the top top! Best at what he does, trust me on this!"
"The true musician finish the job with heart. Highly recommend! Thank you Bryan!"
"Killer!!! "
"It was great working with Ari for the lead and backing vocals on my song. He completely understood what I was going for and delivered the perfect set of vocals for the song. He is also a clear communicator and a tr..."
"Great as usual!"