Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Calvary KL
Editing, time-align, vocal tuning and quantization, your one stop shop for mixing. Close to a decade of studio and live recording experience, let me help you get your music out there.
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TheMasteringLOT.com is a place you can find a mastering engineer for your new song or album in a sonically fair manner! Let the Mastering Engineers of the world offer you the best they can provide!
I know all of the energy, love, and work that goes into making your music, and I want to help you take your ideas across the finish line. For a highly competitive price, I will give my all for your music and help you finish the ideas that you know can be great! I'm excited to help bring your vision to light!
I'll help you unlock your music's full potential, contact me and let's make some magic!
Professionally trained mixing and mastering engineer with 10+ years of experience in music producing. I am working with professional clients for about 5 years. My best performing mix scored over 8 Million streams on Spotify.
Hello everybody! My name is LauraLibra and lots of people come to me for belting. I liken my voice to Adele and Sia, as well as being able to sing folk music whispers such as Norah Jones and Lana Del Ray. I can work in multiple genres such as pop, rock, folk, country, alternative, dance, epic/ethereal vocals and more.
Hip Hop Producer & Engineer from New Delhi, India known for “Shaping & fusing multiple genres with Hip-Hop,” Credits: Slowcheeta, Sikander Kahlon, Spitfire, Hashim Nawaz, Gravity, etc.
I make instrumentals with all genres related to trap and hiphop (plug, drill, r&b, detroit, boombap). I also work with mixes and masters of instrumentals, complete songs and voices.
Recent Successes
"Amazing job as always, always very patient, communicative, on time and perfectly mixed the song how I wanted !"
"Tune #4 was just as high quality as the first 3. I like working with people like Nate because I can rely on them to do great work and trust their judgment. Cheers"
"Very professional & able, great results & good communication throughout. Fast results, highly recommended!"
"Daniel is an outstanding percussionist. Creative, energetic, and precise is what comes to mind. His musicality is something you’d look for in any musician. With minimal direction, Daniel really understood the spirit o..."
"Given my training in history, I'll explain how awesome Andrea is from a "historical" perspective. I hired him for one song, and he did such an outstanding job that I sent him a second. He contributed so much to the ..."
"Josh was amazing! Super communicative, informative, creative, and talented as ever! He really cares about the craft and is very good at making the vision you have a sonic reality; the epitome of being on point!"
"Another phenomenal guitar solo by João! He is so professional and always on time! Absolutely my favorite guitarist! "
"Probably done close to about 100 projects with him. Each one as always been spot on to what we're looking for. You need a bro to work with, AC is the guy. Don't sleep on him!"
"Fran has really done another wonderful job!! making the track so similar to how I wanted it with the reference I gave him, thanks so much for your wonderful service and doing an excellent job :) "