Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Callai Hibbart
I can help you to produce fully developed, unique versions of your songs that are of the highest quality for the best commercial releases. I work with Artists to get the best recorded performances and then develop or help you find your unique sound through instrumental arrangements, orchestration, advanced mixing process and years of experience.
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I've been a Boston area engineer and drummer for many years. Mobile recording, mixing, editing, and mastering are all things that I do.
Le Studio Guy Rhéaume est à la fine pointe de la technologie numérique. Il conserve toutefois les avantages tant recherchés de la technologie analogique. 24 pistes Otari MK-2 / Dolby SR.Console MCI 400 / Burr-Brown. Le studio est équipé d'une grande variété de processeurs externes.
I'm a qualified Sound Engineer with 8 years of experience in the live sound field and in the studio.
Charting/Award winning songwriter/musician. Promise to write a song that will be catchy and have you gaining attention! Specialized songwriting in Pop, R&B, Hip-Hop, Indie Pop.
Hi there! About me: I was a featured writer on NBC's Songland. I’ve written songs for Bella Poarch, Kelsea Ballerini, Natalie Jane, Madison Bailey, ITZY, Lyrah, Noa Kirel, Nick Jonas, Julia Michaels, Gucci Mane & more! I have written and been the featured on songs by R3HAB ("We Do"), ("Want You"), LIONE ("Kids)", Cat Dealers ("Seatbelt").
Ali haider (born October 1995, Chapai Nawabganj, Bangladesh)
Visionary with a plan
Offering Music Production, Engineering, Mixing and Light Mastering.
Recent Successes
"Judy is an excellent musician. She was prompt in her delivery and responses. Judy asked a lot of great questions to ensure she understood what I wanted and gave me exactly what I was looking for. If you are looking..."
"Krystol is fantastic to work with. She really listens to what I wanted and kept open communication until it was complete to my satisfaction. Wonderful work and will definitely keep using her"
"Amazing in every aspect. Vocally, production value, timeliness. Della was a true professional in every regard and will definitely be working with her again."
"Rich is the man. Not much else to say, get him on your next project. "
"Second time using Guy's mixing and mastering services. Astounding job once again. I actually already released a previous mix of this same track, but once I saw Guy's work in a recent job, I wanted to give that old tra..."
"Great work, loved it!"
"Working with Don was real pleasure! He listens client and open on revisions, really care about how client wants their music to be sounds. Quick work! Quick revisions... Hope we will continue to work on another project. "
"Absolutely smashed it out of the ball park. Cannot wait for the next project !! Viva Chuck!!"
"Once again Christian delivered some phenomenal vocal tracks! He is so professional and the super easy to communicate!"
"I was honestly skeptical and took a chance. One of my best decisions working with her! Her lyrics were so strong I couldn't come up with even a suggestion. Her melody was seamless and genuine and once again I strugg..."