Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Bunyod Mirzo
Only professional and high quality songs.
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Professional Recording Studio.
Few Studio is a collective of studio engineers, producers, musicians, songwriters, singers, rappers, and voiceover professionals. Our creative team of music enthusiasts have over 20 years of experience.
A professional electronic music producer who delivers quality services through Mixing/Mastering/Ghost Producing and Video Game Compositions.
I specialize in mixing, engineering, and producing singles, EP's, and LP's for independent artists and bands.
Producer. Mix & Master. Guitar Player. Been makin waves since 2011.
Over 20 years of experience in Producing, Mixing and Mastering Urban Music in general. One of the pioneers in Favela Funk Production in São Paulo state. Already worked with Kondzilla and Neguinho do Kaxeta, to name a few.
Billboard-charting music producer, songwriter & musician. Commercial works: Fast & Furious: FF9, Meta (Instagram), Nike, Red Lobster etc. Artists: Ciara, Lil Baby, Foushee, Danity Kane, Alex Vaughn, Monaleo, Lu Kala & many more.
Recent Successes
"Tempo has a good voice and has sung a difficult song with the emotion and feeling needed to uplift the composition. He is talented and should go places."
"Chad did an amazing job with my song he will be the go to guy from now on, will definatly work with him in the future. Thank you again. "
"Surprisingly quick and perfect work! He is just heavenly great! Definitely highly recommended! Many thanks always."
"Working with Fermin again was wonderful. The communication is always on point. Professional and polite! The advice on what sounds best is always honored. And the completed projects are always a success to listen to. ..."
"Sam is a great guy with great tones. If you want drums that vibe hire this guy! Professional and comfortable experience. Turn around time was quick, and he was a great communicator throughout the entire project. 5 stars!"
"So happy, Kate pulled everything together and made a song i was having a little doubt on sound amazing! i finally got the chance to hand this song over to her, she delivered as always! i always loved her lyrics and v..."
"We just wrapped our album with Brandon and I can't wait to make more songs just so we can work again!"