Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with BSMNTPRTY
Grammy-nominated Producer/Songwriter with many credits, years of experience and great taste ;) Let's make something special together!
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Hi, I'm Zeyn, an enthusiastic and mixing engineer focusing on Rock/Blues/Jazz among other things. I pride myself on my communication skills and doing my best to bring the artists vision to life.
Professional & portable live/studio recording production, editing and mixing services.
Worlds Largest Ethical Hackers & Security Researchers
Nashville Rap/Hip Hop Producer
My productions are creative and unique. The sounds are professional and the quality of mixing is really good.
Delta 8 disposable vape pens
Watch your songs being brought to life using professional equipment and plugins.
Recent Successes
"was a pleasure working with Jazelle. Very quick turnaround. Great results. Highly recommend."
"Completed my third song with Austin. It's always so easy to work with him. More songs lined up for you Austin :)"
"Lydia is a very talented, efficient, conscientious and patient singer. Even if it's my mistake, she doesn't hesitate to correct it. In the face of demanding requirements, she never complained, and excellently and quic..."
"Drew is an excellent singer! He took my track into another level of performance, making the melodies shine with his clear and beautiful voice - he's great for Pop vocals! The delivery was quick and without any problem..."
"Holly did a great job. I recommend her for your demo needs."
"Another outstanding job on my latest tune. Kevin delivers a cohesive track that I am totally satisfied with. This is my second song with him and will definitely return for more in the near future."
"Bailey is an absolute gem, she was pleasant to work with, fast, responsive, professional and most importantly... I loved her first draft so much I did not even ask her to do any revisions. It was perfect first time..."
"Ev is a total pro with an amazing voice and i was so happy for the results! She nailed it, and her phrasing and musical instincts are just fabulous. Ev is really a talented musician. Very professional and easy to work..."
"Great drum sound and fast turn around! Love It!"
"Jay is a consummate professional; he communicates well, works quickly and has an amazing musical touch that brought my vision to life, just as i wanted! I would 100% recommend him and will work again!"