Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Brian Temple
With over 20 years of experience in the music industry, I have honed my skills in recording, writing, and playing music. As a multi-instrumentalist, with drums as my main instrument, I bring a unique perspective to the production process.
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Live Sound Engineer FOH Engineer Monitor Engineer Broadcast Engineer Production Designer & Consultant
Mind Invasion1.0 is a newly innovative concept that allows you to buy tracks from our ghost production team which is a great way to help you develop your career.
Hi! My name is Mike Gargano and I am a Drummer/Engineer/Mixer from Connecticut. I want to help make your musical vision a reality. Contact me for live drums tracks , mixing , or both!
I'm a tireless music producer who wants to expand borders of music. My weapons are vibes you never experienced before. My power is the lust of creating. Let me give you thrills.
- Regularly cover multiple genre's including Country, Rock, Blues, Pop, Funk, Folk and everything in between. - Main strengths are Soul, Souther Rock, or straight Rock and Roll.
Producer, Sound Engineer, Recording/Mixing/Mastering Engineer, Beatboxer, Vocalist, and Head of Sound for Swissbeatbox. Specialising in beatbox productions and bass heavy electronic music, I offer services from creative production right through to recording, mixing, and mastering of your music.
Versatile and experienced musician, producer, and engineer. Pro gear, fast turn around, flexible to any needs.
I will write and record electric guitar over your beats! From chords to solo's, I will add that special sauce to your beats!
Recent Successes
"As usual, fabulous. A true genius...."
"Jazzi has an amazing voice. I gave her lyrics for a song I wanted done and she was able to create her own melody for how it should be sung to the best of her ability! I will work with her again in the near future for ..."
"As always Daniel brought his talent to the table with absolute magic. However, he provided some extra sparkle by adding a mandolin track. Who would've known that would go over so great? A great, rocking lead guitar so..."
"It was great working with Patrick. I am very demanding when it comes to production but I'm very satisfied with his work. Everything was done with the best quality, very responsible and on time. Thank you so much!"
"Yoad exceeds my expectations yet again! I trust him now with eyes closed as I know he'll make my sound meet my vision + still deliver a little more! Couldn't recommend him enough 🔥"
"Great communication and to work with. Definite recommendation from me! "
"Working with Fred is like a dream come true. You work really hard on a mix to get your song where you want it, and he takes it that last step of the way, revealing a new layer that you hoped was possible, but weren't..."
"I wanted to remix a track by one of my favorite artist, so I gave Nate the original song as a reference and he absolutely killed it!!! It’s exactly how I could hear it in my head, Nate defiantly one of the best engin..."