Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Brett Hendrix
Singer/Songwriter/Producer/Mixing Engineer with 20+ years experience. My Wheelhouse is Rock/Pop/Country but I have experience mixing/mastering in all genres.
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You’re passionate about your music. You've poured your heart and soul into your project to realize your vision. Let’s bring your vision to life and give your final mixes the same attention and pro-quality as platinum-selling records.
Gabor Noniusz is an award winning Budapest based mixing/mastering engineer, producer and Composer. He has been working with "A List" music artists for many years.
With over 300 songs written and recorded, I aspire to create music that makes people feel something, in a world where it's so easy to feel numb. I've been writing hip-hop songs for the last 25 years, and I've been damn good at it for at least 10! Everyday I wake up and chase greatness. Lets collaborate and make something truly amazing!
I'm Sarah, a singer and music composer and producer with 20 years of experience. My main genres are trailer & soundtrack/film score, videogames and advertising, tv and documentary background music with action, suspenseful and dramatic mood.
Make your tracks come to life.
My job is to bring the Artists Vision to life. I want them to tell me "This is EXACTLY how i heard it when I was writing it".
Whether you need a film score, session player or a custom first dance song for your wedding reception. Grammy nominated multi instrumentalist and songwriter at your service
I'm a professional singer-songwriter from Seattle, WA. I have worked with Jay Park, Cha Cha Malone, and more. Check out my Spotify page to see if your sound fits well with my writing style.
Recent Successes
"MUSIC’s that GIFT, that in times of deep sorrow can give you renewed strength Music is JOY, surrounds your SOUL in every intimate part Music is life, MUSIC is LOVE, she won’t leave you alone It’s a travel within..."
"Daniela is great at communcating, and a wonderful engineer. She totally take my job to the highest standards! Definitely She´s one of my go-to mixing eng. Very unique vibes!"
"Budget is everything but quality is more important! This guy is both! Perfectionist and great with instructions. "
"Rob brought out the essence and soul of the song and was able to articulate the nuances and character of the vocals and lyrics. "
"Jeff was great! Didn’t need much revising, very happy with the mixes! "
"Chris delivers yet again another collection of phenomenal bass tracks for a new project. Once you start working with Chris, you won't even entertain the idea of hiring another bass player. One of the top bass player..."
"Dustin is my Go To for all Genres!"
"Talented and easy to work with"
"Even though Ive worked with Sara before, Im taken by the quality and emotion in her vocals. She made my simple song sound professional in every aspect! Dont miss out on Sara!!"
"Top service"
"Nathan is very easy to work with. Flawless communication and high audio quality delivery. Quick turn around too !"