Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Bree Runway (EMI)
Award Winning | Major Label Credits | Stereo Mastering | Stem Mastering | Unlimited Revisions | In 24 Hours
Gold & Platinum Recording & Mixing Engineer based in London.
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Hi, my name is Daniel, and I’m the owner of Wave Studio. So, this is probably where you expect to see a list of high-profile audio awards, nominations, big-dollar artists or maybe some expensive analog gear, but I’m not going to do that. Take a read...
I have been on MTV networks, AXS TV, Nights with Alice Cooper, KROQ w/ Rodney Bingenheimer, and was nominated for best indie/alt album at the 2016 Independent Music Awards in NYC at The Lincoln Center. I put time and effort into anything that has my name on it. I don't have the big names or Grammy's, but I have what it takes to help your music.
Vocalist, Flutist, Songwriter, Lyricist, Multi-Instrumentalist, Composer
To me the most inportant part about mixing is creating a world for the listener to live in. I can help create a space for your music that fits the song and helps communicate the intended message.
Spanish Venezuelan musician and composer, multi-instrumentalist and producer in different styles.
London based Mixing Engineer specialising in singer-songwriter, acoustic, indie, folk and lo-fi artists.
Málaga-born composer based in Fuerteventura. More at www.miguelperez.es
I specialize in soft afrobeats that have an r&b sound. I write lyrics with a story you can follow along to.
Recent Successes
"It was a great honor working with Audrey. I was very impressed with the profession manner in which she dealt with my project always keeping me in the loop. She extended her self far beyond what was expected. I am very..."
"Always good working the homie!!! "
"Very experienced engineer, you will not be dissatisfied with his work!"
"He is a great! he did exactly what we expected to hear, and in a really short time! Extremely satisfied."
"I‘ve worked with Joey for several times now and he always does amazing work. His touching voice, beautiful harmonies and great lyrics – what more can you expect? Such an incredible talent, i am looking forward to work..."
"If you are looking for a sax player to impress every other musician on your track, Alexander is the player for you. Alexander has an incredible feel and sense of direction in his parts and I will be looking to collabo..."
"The music production on this track is so beautiful. It really puts me in a dreamy romantic place emotionally. I love all the beats and interesting details. It really feels like it was made with love (and isn't that th..."
"To have a vision is one thing, to have someone successfully bring that to fruition is another. Jaye Locke is knowledgeable and talented. He takes the time to understand and to get to know the vision. I am truly apprec..."
"Another excellent job, Andres & his team mastered a track for me and after a couple of change cycles we had the result I was looking for. Before the mastering process starts, Andres listens to the mix & gives advice ..."
"Amazing as always. Bobby is the go to guy when you need vocals for your song. So great to work with. "