Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with braveride
Producing, mixing, mastering oriented to hard rock and heavy sound
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With a background in drumming for many different artists and groups and many different styles I can drum to nearly anything. I also am a great audio engineer with strong points in mixing,mastering, and post production. No job is too big or small feel free to ask me any questions!
Anthimos Manti is a session and touring guitar player. He performs around 80-90 concerts per year And has toured in Greece, over Europe,North America and Australia. www.youtube.com/ANTHIMOSmanti
Hi, I'm a producer, mixer and trumpet player from Hamburg/Weimar. What sets me apart are all the various backgrounds I come from: Pop, Jazz, Electronic, Classical etc. This gives me a profound understanding of different genres and how to approach them.
I got the raw , face slapper sound that's gonna get u noticed in todays music.. i promise you we gonna make hits
Mixing and mastering engineer with over ten years experience. Owner of forest recording studio in the Pocono Mountains.
Beatmaking hip hop trap R&B. I am a professional musician, I play bass guitar and piano. I have been working in music production for 2 years, making beats, mixing and mastering. I specialize in dark boom bap, whether it's New York or the UK blah records style, but I can also make trap or beats without samples to play soul and R&B music
Steel guitarist from Songs Ohia's 'Farewell Transmission' provides tasteful steel guitar for Americana, indie, ambient, rock and twangy tracks.
El Sonido Divino is an urban music producer and composer who has broken boundaries with his unique style and unmistakable sound. With a rising career, he’s accumulated millions of streams across digital platforms, proving that his music connects with people around the world.
Recent Successes
"Anthony was a great vocal producer to work with! The process was incredibly smooth and he brought some amazing ideas of his own to the table. Overall just a really dope guy and I look forward to getting back to work w..."
"Mark is a very modern Producer with his finger on the pulse.....If you are looking for that modern sound go for it....Already working on the next one"
"Thank you, Tom! It was a joy working w/ Tom; comes through as kind, courteous and professional even via this message board/platform! Really appreciated! Oh, yeah, Tom's drum parts rocked! Hope to work w/ Tom again soo..."
"Aaron is definitely a 5-star mastering engineer. Not only does he deliver great results, but he is patient with the client to ensure that they get exactly what they ask for. He is very knowledgeable and is quick to gi..."
"David is a great saxophone player. I asked him to write and record some sax fills for my jazz-inspired Carpenters cover tune, which already contained a lot of instrumentation (vocals, piano, bass, drums, trumpets, & f..."
"Got a high quality mix and master out very fast and it sounds awesome, amazing communication and a great guy."
"Hamper was a great client. Quick to respond and very kind."
"If you're currently reading this, you've found an absolute gem on SoundBetter. REVEAL is fantastic. Not only in his own talents as a rapper -- but in hard work and the way he communicates. He has a service-oriented mi..."