Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Brandon Burkhalter
I am a Pastor and an Artist. My goal is to bring the good news of Jesus to the world through word and song. I started playing guitar and songwriting at 10 years old. Shortly after, I began my recording journey with an 8 track Tascam mixer. I focus on indie, pop and dance music.
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Hi! New here. Creating music is more than a passion for me. It's a lifestyle that I live to the fullest which translates into every musical piece I create. I have placed music with GQ Magazine, General Electric, Unboxed Therapy, Thrilla Studios, MTV, Time Inc, Essence Magazine, Swifty McVay(Eminem's Group – D12), and more.
Pro drummer from Ireland with over 20 years in the game both recording and live.
Kritiman mishra is a self independent Musical Artist of india
Seasoned professional vocalist and songwriter, over 15 years experience in the industry, fast and professional work flow. "I am committed to producing my best quality possible and treat each project like it's my own"
Multi-skilled singer/songwriter. Here to deliver the best possible work just for you!
Sound Engineer with experience in audio production, recording, mixing and mastering. Expert in music editing software (Ableton LIVE, Pro Tools, Cubase, Luna, also Bandlab but is not my preffered). Passionate about sound creation and high-quality music production. Also an artist called "Faum".
I'm music composer who is passionate about film and video game music. I can do a real atmosphere music for your project and I can do it exactly as you need.
Recent Successes
"Wow! Andres did an incredible job providing us mix feedback and then mastering our song. His mix notes were perfect I couldn't believe what a difference it made once we implemented them. His mastering definitely broug..."
"Tony is a PRO, a BEAST . He got the Right thing Quick and Precisely. Every HIT of his drum is dreamy . Exciting collaboration ! Hope for the next song !"
"Matt is always awesome with his mixes! Great guy with so much talent!"
"What can I say. The man knows what he’s doing! Very friendly and easy to work with. I 100% would recommend Aaron for your production needs! "
"Every time Madalena impresses. Rock solid groove and tone. Wonderfully recorded. She isn't shy to give multiple takes from the very get go. Stellar communication. A producers dream on sound better! If there were ten s..."
"I cannot express how ecstatic my team and I are with Elburrito . His talent is masterful and what's just as important is that the quality of work that he does, competes with all the major labels. Usually, the work fro..."
"I'm a repeat customer for Andrew since he continues to impress with his work ethic and his talent. No matter what I throw at him, he gives more than what I was expecting. No guesswork here, I'll be coming back again a..."
"Cc was a pleasure to work with! She delivered right on time and top quality! Highly recommended!"
"Wow! Working with Fred was amazing. Fast communication an the master was incredible! I honestly can't wait for another chance to work with him again. Excellent Mastering Engineer!!"
"This was my second time working with Mari on a song, this time she provided me with feedback on my melody and lyrics but also assisted with helping me flesh out the chorus. Mari's expertise is always amazing and takes..."