Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Brandon Burkhalter
I am a Pastor and an Artist. My goal is to bring the good news of Jesus to the world through word and song. I started playing guitar and songwriting at 10 years old. Shortly after, I began my recording journey with an 8 track Tascam mixer. I focus on indie, pop and dance music.
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Contact my instagram for songs i have been worked Instagram.com/ravi.amd
Im a Singer/Topline writer based in Nottingham United Kingdom, Ive been played frequently on local BBC Introducing radio, Im looking for a new challenge and that is to write you a top line! I would like to work with artists/producers who are struggling to write that radio ready tune you have lying around and make it extra special with some lyrics.
I'm Hester, graduated from the ArtEZ Popacademy Conservatory, specialized in songwriting and (backing)vocals. I'm a member of Americana band Lovers & Lions, which I pour my heart and soul into. Besides writing for my own band I have written for all kinds of genres, from country to K-pop. I love meeting new creative minds to work with!
I am a songwriter who is able to write any form of music. I specialize in hip-hop, rap and pop. Also a producer with the means and ability to record or produce whenever I need. I have some but not a lot of mixing experience Great at adapting to other styles.
Hey there I'm a ghostproducer . Made records that where released on spinning Warner and universal. All EDM Gernes from deep House to Dubstep and of course all in between . For question just let me know `Want listen to my productions ? Send me a message and will provide you with demo records
I'm a professional audio engineer with years of experience in providing clear, cohesive mixes for artists from all around the world.
17 years of Pro experience composing, producing, and mixing for national artists and brands (Lizzo, Geico, Biden 2020, NFL). Winner of the 2019 Great American Songwriting Contest
Beginning song writer and beginning my career in singing. I grow up singing in church and choirs in school. I gotten told I have a beautiful voice growing up and that's my talent.
Recent Successes
"Very friendly, and cooperative. Keeps you informed every step of the way and has an extremely creative outlook on music!"
"It was great working with Stella. She added a perfect sense of clarity to my tracks and isn't afraid of trying new ideas. I hope to work together again in the future!"
"I had a great experience working with Alberto. He is evidently a highly accomplished piano player, was super responsive, delivered high quality stems and was flexible about exoloring diferent styles."
"This is my second track with Matt, professional and cuts to the point. Some parts in the track needed improvement and he allowed the space and time to take care of them while providing tips during the process. A patie..."
"Claudia did amazing work producing Catlea's latest song. She was fantastic, listened and communicated well, and took the song to the level of professionalism we wanted. We will definitely work with her again. I highly..."
"Amazing job by Ivy, she is super super talented!!! and an absolute dream to work with... I couldn't be happier .. the emotion, the level of performance and ad libs on the song are all out of this world. Can't ..."
"Michelle was, hands down, one of the most talented people I've worked with! I remember how she told me in the very beginning that she won't stop until she has given her 100% to what she produces and today, she has del..."
"Once again Mr. Andres Mayo has done it! My music gets a better twist after Andres works on it. Highly recommend ladies and gentleman. "
"Awesome to work with! I highly recommend."
"As always, working with Lydia is a great experience. Her tracks are perfect, outstanding musicianship, beautiful voice, and great and clear communications. What's not to like? Very highly recommend."