Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Brainflakes
Producer and Mixer for all things rock - from indie to punk and hardcore to metal. My productions have received 75,000+ streams and garnered 2,500+ monthly listeners on Spotify. I’ve worked with bands from all over the world, producing high-quality tracks from hi-fi studios to bedrooms and basements. Get in touch, and we’ll make some magic!
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I compose scores for films in India. I also produce songs, Mix and Master them. I predominantly use a lot of orchestral, rock and Electronic blends in my Music for films.
We are an AWARD WINNING songwriting team who has worked with some of today’s biggest, up-and-coming stars. We can create an original song to showcase you as an artist, or a fully broadcast ready song to enhance your visual project.
Sam Yun is an American record producer, songwriter and multi- instrumentalist from Los Angeles, CA.
Very Good In Audio Production, Mixing and Mastering. Work Mainly With Cubase, Nuendo, Fruity Loops,Logic Pro, T racks. Also Super Good in Video Production & Editing, Work With Adobe Premier Pro, Adobe After Effect.
I most enjoy experimenting with Electronica/Breaks//Pop/House/Ambient/Jazz
With over 10 years of hard work and experience in songwriting, producing, and singing, I feel like I have a little bit to offer to just about anybody. I'm very eager to get to work to help you achieve your goals for your next project! Lets collaborate and push the music industry forward!!
Best value for money. I'll give you the best mix and master for a low price. As a German music producer studying popular music I know exactly what your mix needs.
Recent Successes
"Great mastering job and quick turnaround on a last minute track for me! A pleasure once again. "
"Erik Is a wonderful producer and musician. very open, communicative and willing to go to interesting places. I highly recommend him and will work with him again soon."
"Great quality of work and quick service. Tim gave us feedback on the mixes and were fond of our opinions. I would recommend Tim to my friends!"
"Can't say enough about this artist! Not only a cool guy to work with, but a talent who always over delivers! I'm a client and a fan. Hire this man. "
"Oli produced a track of mine remotely, from a demo to a fully-realized version, and he absolutely nailed it. He was very quick, and also great to work with the whole way through. Super talented producer and musician a..."
"William is amazing at his craft. He knows mixing and the technology so well and he helped me with my mixes with this order to get them just right. Great job once again William - 5 stars!"
"Fabio Is an amazing top line writer and came up with an amazing song. Looking forward to continue to work with him on more music"
"Jimmy D is an amazing engineer,creative genius & master of the craft it's always a pleasure to share conversation with him & learn more,Jimmy D knowledge holds more weight than gold. "