Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Boy A.C.
I am a mixing-mastering engineer and electronic music producer casting out to make magic of the best audible features in your music. I am assistant engineer to Justin Aswell, whom I observe and learn from constantly. I've mixed and mastered songs/albums by DJ NPC, Blutschwur, Boy A.C., Unruly Boys, and my own music as Teroscu and sw33t boy.
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Hello, I'm Jeff! I am the fellow behind Weeping Willow Studios! I built this studio to write my own music and to become a better musician. I also want to help musicians get their own music out into the world. I’m not really a fan of genres of music. I’m a fan of music in general! Music should have no limits!
Experimental trap/hip hop producer. Am willing and open to produce any other types of electronic music.
Persian Film/Game Composer
I'm a producer, sound designer and mixing engineer in Cremona, Italy.
Film music composer / Music Producer / Song writer - with strong Indian film scoring background
7 Years of experience as a freelancing music producer, mixing engineer, and singer.
I've been rocking and rolling in the music scene for a while now, wearing both the musician and producer hats. I've even cooked up some tunes with my own band, yeah, we're basically a bunch of musical misfits.
Recent Successes
"It was great experience to work with Elliot. He sounds make great and he is interactive, instant, and careful with my work. Thank you Elliot!"
"Kyan delivered very nice vocals... first drop was already what we were looking and hoping for. Top-notch! Well done Kyan :)"
"Aweosme delivery "
"She’s great. I would recommend. "
"Dennis is easy to work with and a true professional. Extremely pleased with the results of our collaboration. I look forward to having him play drums on future projects."
"Caleb did a great job playing drums on my song. Brought great energy to the song. Thank you!"
"Julianne is a seasoned pro at songwriting and production! Looking forward to working with her more in the future "
"After so many orders I may sound like a broken record, but Niels inspires and impresses every time with his craftsmanship and musicianship. A true pro with a creative ear. He is also super accommodating. "