Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Blutschwur
I am a mixing-mastering engineer and electronic music producer casting out to make magic of the best audible features in your music. I am assistant engineer to Justin Aswell, whom I observe and learn from constantly. I've mixed and mastered songs/albums by DJ NPC, Blutschwur, Boy A.C., Unruly Boys, and my own music as Teroscu and sw33t boy.
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Hi there and thank you for checking me out it is very appreciated! I have been writing and composing acoustic songs and would really like to become part of a team and try to get my creation Electrik Emblem to the next level. I have been working alone for the past few years and I think it is time to start working with other people in the industry.
I have featured on television shows, adverts and worked with many famous artists. I specialise in singing, songwriting and playing the saxophone. I have a Ba Hons in Jazz from Leeds College of Music and have been recording and performing for 15+ years. Home studio as well as access to some of the best studios in London.
I'm a Nashville based musician with 10+ years of experience in live, and studio settings. When working on a session, I like to focus on the song(s) as a whole, serving the overall theme and vibe to make the songs reach their highest potential. I look forward to hearing from anyone who's ready to make some killer music!
I am a mixing-mastering engineer and electronic music producer casting out to make magic of the best audible features in your music. I am assistant engineer to Justin Aswell, whom I observe and learn from constantly. I've mixed and mastered songs/albums by DJ NPC, Blutschwur, Boy A.C., Unruly Boys, and my own music as Teroscu and sw33t boy.
I'm a professional pop producer, sample creator & mixing engineer with over 10 years of experience, having worked with hundreds of artists worldwide and collaborated with major labels like Universal and Warner Music as well as for several Sync Agencies.
Professional composer & orchestrator for games, film and TV | PlayStation VR2 launch title Horizon Call of the Mountain (Guerrilla/Firesprite), Beyond a Steel Sky (Revolution Games), All the old Knives (Prime), The Adams Family 2 (Universal Pictures) and Mowgli (WarnerBrothers). Co-founder of bespoke music outfit Boxed Ape.
Berklee's Master, a Music Producer, Sound Designer and Audio Engineer known for the incredible care put to each project in any of the role needed to be filled.
Recent Successes
"Thomas Daniel is a superstar. God was extremely generous with the vocal gift he bestowed upon Thomas. I feel like my words are often not worthy of this gift but i certainly am glad I get to work with him"
"2nd time around working with Nam. it's always a surprise to hear what she brings. in the beginning we started out with a concept and evolved it. she gave me different options in the beginning which I felt was instrume..."
"Really nice guy to work with! Easy and awesome! "
"Ethan recorded the vocals for a track I wrote. Hid interpretation came out incredible and he recorded amazing harmonies to add into the mix. Will definitely work with him again and highly recommend him"
"I cannot recommend Gary enough! He did an excellent job on several pieces of music, playing different styles masterfully. On top of that, fast delivery and great communication! Thanks again!!"
"Christina did a great job on my project. She provided exactly what I was looking for. With her amazing vocals and creativity , she gave the song the life it needed. She was a pleasure to work with and I look forward t..."
"From the very first message to the most recent message, Killian continues to bring to his client (me) his enthusiasm to my project, kindness and patience regarding my many questions and also continues to show he truly..."
"Second time working with Eleanor who went to great lengths to play and record a harp piece for me and the result is perfect. So if you need a harp part recorded: Don't think twice, you are in safe hands here."