Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Boom Dice
The 3 x Grammy Nominated/Brit Winning Producer, Mixer, Songwriter, Engineer and Artist is behind the sound of 10 billion + streams, gold and platinum sales certifications, and HUGE sync placements. See why they call him 'The Finisher'.
Make your recording sound like a RECORD!
A tenor by trade but I am a versatile singer with a wide vocal range. My music has garnered over 200k views on Youtube, several Spotify Editorial placements, and sync licensing in commercials. I've worked with grammy nominated producers and writers and have a natural ability to convey raw emotions through my voice. Let's work!
More providers:
Hey guys! I go by SamJordan, I am an engineer, producer, composer. I work from my home studio and also freelance out of studios in the Kansas City area.
Hi! My name is David. I am a producer, recording/mixing/mastering engineer. If you need a single, EP or album that needs a professional sound, message me.
producer/artist/composer Worked with JEM, Prodigy, Adam Freeland, and as HH Dalai Lama's sound man. Done some film & TV syncs and currently working on my own releases. have a random side line skill - Tibetan chanting/throat singing!
Creative Pop Producer
I am a songwriter who is able to write any form of music. I specialize in hip-hop, rap and pop. Also a producer with the means and ability to record or produce whenever I need. I have some but not a lot of mixing experience Great at adapting to other styles.
I am music .
Fresh vocals
I'm a fast working female singer/songwriter with lots of experience & passion.
Recent Successes
"Mig goes the extra mile every time!!!"
"Not only does Ryan have an excellent voice, his delivery/formatting of the material is the most professional I've encountered. Ryan truly understands what a producer looks for in order to make the mixing process easie..."
"Luke played some fiddle for me on a country-rock song and killed it! He had the tracks for me within a day and on top of that, provided multiple high quality takes to work from. I would 100% recommend him for your pro..."
"J. Wells is talented and has a great attitude. Delivered the vibe I was seeking for a rap vocal, and recording quality was very good. Edits on point. Enjoyed working working with him."
"Michelle is a fantastic singer. Her range, tone and dynamic voice resulted in a topline that brought the song to life. She then layered comprehensive and wonderful harmony stacks cleverly developed around musical ad l..."
"I'm somewhat new to the songwriting/recording process and Matt was very patient and accommodative while I worked out some of the kinks. Very professional and responsive. Would definitely work with him again!"
"Another project perfectly executed by Chris. This time for a new sound we're creating in the UK. Fun to work with, excellent communicator and listener. Thank you Chris."
"My go to Mastering engineer. Eric can take your production to the highest professional standard. With advice when needed along the way. Thanks once again"
"Was great to work with Tristan, super talented and easy to work with!!"