Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Bloody Vengeance
Kitarraman here. I am a composer, producer, guitarist, and sound designer. My forte is audio for media (primarily video games, then films), but I'm also a proficient studio producer, arranger, mix, and mastering engineer.
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Study mastering at the Fonoprint studio and mixing and recording at the MA2000 academy of bologna
Debut track has clocked 1.7 million plays on Spotify and 3 Million on Youtube (and counting!) Many more hits on the way.
I will help you find the fullest potential of your song! Whether its a banger or a crooner- I love finding fresh sounds that will surprise your fans, light up the venue, and more than anything be something you are proud to have under your name. My songs have playlisted on major playlists like "Fresh Finds" and have been featured on NPR & BBC
I work fast, fluidly and from scratch. I work within a "we" as well... a team. Let's team up to see how our styles compliment each, and to see what moments we can bring to a studio session.
Versatile Producer, Mixing and Mastering Engineer
Where are here te be the first
I am a studio mixing engineer, specializing in all Metal and Rock/Pop genres, specializing in Modern Metal but with a lot of work in a variety of projects.
Recent Successes
"incredible producer. takes your vision to the next level and delivers!"
"Ben is one of the most gifted musicians I've ever worked with. He delivered high-quality vocals and guitars following exactly the guide tracks. Fast and professional. HIGHLY recommended!"
"Great musician, a very nice experience for me! "
"Joe did a great job mixing my song! He clearly understood in which direction to take it and enhanced it beautifully by adding some of his own ideas. I'll be back!"
"Working with Yochana was exactly what I needed to find the right master for my track, I would definitely repeat with him! Recommended! Thanks, my friend!"
"Kate is an exceptional singer!! Great writing skills and vocal capabilities!! Love what she did on this song and I am very anxious to do more work with her in the very near future!! "
"Austin is AMAZING! Part of me doesn't want to leave this review because the word's going to get out how flat out phenomenal of a producer, mixing engineer, mastering engineer, collaborator, advisor, and creative Austi..."
"John delivers very consistent results and amazing clarity! I love how it sounds now! He is also always so easy to work with and communicates very well."