Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Bloodred Hourglass
Full time mixing and mastering engineer with over 600 credits and 70 million streams. Located in Kouvola, Finland. Founder of Deep Noise Studios.
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Southern Recording Club is a modern vintage high-end production and recording studio. Affordable rates, a truly vibey environment. Housed in a detached property, set within a semi-rural position in South London(UK) A totally inspiring environment along with all the necessary technical tools with a country side feel.
I'm a professional producer and go by my stage name: Dramatello. I combine heart pumping melodically influenced vibes together with killer electronic sounds and crazy dance floor beats. I specialize in POP, EDM and any electronic music.
Top line Singer, Songwriter, and Vocal Producer. Can write in many genres but R&B is home. Specialize in vocal arrangements and vocal production. Can turn production into fully arranged and written record in a few short hours. Specialize in quick turnaround time with writing. Have performed all over the U.S. & my music is known worldwide.
Coming from classical piano to rock bands to pop artists, my current work serves as a diverse color pallet that we can use to paint YOUR original sound with. I focus on being easy to work with, quick with turnarounds, and working to accent what makes your artistry unique.
Upcoming Producer
I was a ghost producer for 2 years. Got great feedback from RCA Records, Atlantic Records, EPIC, Warner Music, Universal Music. Got fire emojis from 12408124 top producers and artists.
My goal is to help artists develop their true sound & enhance the quality of their work. I will work tirelessly until the mix is exactly what you're looking for. The genres I specialize in are Hip-Hop, RnB & Pop, so no matter what type of music you make I will be delivering nothing but top-tier quality for a fraction of the price!
Music Producer for over 5 years, gifted in rapping, singing and producing based in the UK.
Recent Successes
"This is the second country song I've worked on with Brandon and again, he far exceeded my expectations. He works fast, is easy to communicate with and turns out a final product that will best represents the song. In p..."
"Matt just mixed a pop/rock track for us and nailed the finish. He was incredibly easy to communicate with, delivered updates on schedule, and was very receptive of any feedback we offered along the way. He perfectly c..."
"GËKKØ is the ultimate... always focused, creative and so amazing. Highly highly recommend!!! "
"Alex was awesome to work with. He brought a lot of interesting ideas to the table and was always open to feedback and trying different options. He transformed my rough demo (voice, guitar, drums) into a track with a l..."
"Rae'd rocks it again!"
"Always sounds great from his guy. We only use him for all our mic-ing and mastering now. Keep killing it dude!"
"Ivy is a complete professional; she has a powerful voice that really shined on my track as a producer! If you love her samples then you'll love working with her. She has a fast turn around time and is great with revis..."
"Awesome, as usual!!! "
"Fabian has once again provided a great result and in a timely manner. Being timely is great, but he is also willing to go back and make adjustments as requested or needed. THIS IS HUGE because he can provide a great..."