Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Blend Project
Music Production and Sound Design Degree completed in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Guitar and Bass player mainly focused on feeling rather than virtuosity.
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Just Blaze is a fixture in Hip Hop music and culture. He began producing for well-known musicians in the late 1990s, including multiple tracks on Jay-Z’s The Dynasty: Roc La Familia. Just Blaze reached international fame for his production of Cam’ron’s 2002 summer smash “Oh Boy”.
Happily producing & engineering for clients worldwide from Los Angeles for the past decade.
Sesionista Rock , Funk, Soul
I love transforming a raw recording into a vibrant, dynamic piece of art that emotionally captures the listener. I've worked with Grammy winning Mix Engineers and Mastering Engineers. I play in a indie-rock band called Walden. We've played major fests across the nation (Bonnaroo, Shaky Knees, Kabboo, etc)
I will mix and master your songs :)
I am a full time Colombian musician, with musical skills in string instruments, piano and bass; able to adapt to different musical styles. I have extensive experience of more than ten years in the sector, in which I have participated in different productions as a session musician and as a producer, as well as being a Live Performer.
Recent Successes
"It's been an honor, privilege and pleasure to be able to collaborate with such an amazing talent as Simms throughout the year! If you ever have the pleasure of working with him for as long as I've had, I assure you, y..."
"i got one of my songs mastered with Nate and he was very professional and easy to communicate with and the i am very happy with how my song sounded "
"Corey will continue to be my go-to mix/audio engineer. I have thrown a whole album his way, and he has listened to ever slight detail I've requested, this man is the GOAT for helping us out like this. Without him, we'..."
"Mig was really patient and did a great job with the song!"
"Always a pleasure to work with Andres, thanks for another amazing master."
"Real quick, professional response and delivered the loudness and rich sound I was looking for."
"Very communicative, responsive and talented in his work. Received a very high quality mix. Will definitely work with him again! "
"CC and I just finished our 3rd song together. I can't say enough good things about her. She turns the songs around quickly and most importantly delivers a performance that is spot on. In a word, fantastic!"
"Super cool, creative tracks is what Wes delivers -- 10/10!!"
"great bass part. Matt makes it easy again."