Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with blackivy
My name is Taylor and if your looking for anything to do with music production I will get it done the best for the BEST price. I am very modernized as far as production, ideas, and sounds. i have experience in a lot of things so I bet I can do what your looking for.
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Revolution Studios is a professional Recording and Music Production Studio. We offer an impressive array of production, mixing and mastering services, top-class equipment, and affordable rates. Whatever audio style you are interested in recording or whichever instruments you play, we’ve got you covered. Speak with us today to see how we can make
Lover of music, maker of music. If you are an artist looking for a specific sound or looking for a bit of direction in finding your sound, I can help you with that. If you are a producer/beat maker looking to give your tracks/beats that extra polish, I can help you with that.
Whatever your needs may be, our team's industry spanning experience is ready to make your vision a reality. Our affordable rates and high quality guarantee you leave with every expectation met and beyond.
AWARD-WINNING MUSIC PRODUCER! Your song needs a dope beat and that's what I'm offering. I specialize in Hip-Hop/Rap/Trap and can provide you with an original beat that will hook your listeners.
I’m a Hip-Hop Rap, Trap Producer. I have produced for a bunch of small artists. I know how to make a sick beat and I only charge 50$ Per song.
With 9+ years along award-winning producers and engineers, Andrea simply gives artists what they’re looking for. Perfect for EDM, R&B and much more.
Mixing/Mastering engineer with 15 years experience, working out of Umbrella Sound Studios
Recent Successes
"Super communicative, thorough, and amazing job! Mixed the song in no time, and got it perfect the first time. Highly recommend!!"
"Awesome and amazing person to work with! Listens to instructions and does exactly what you ask for. I higly recommend him."
"Very professional and attentive to details. Will definitely reach out to Austin for future work. 100% recommended!"
"Tanya added vocals and guitars (lead & rythm) to our drum-bass track. BAM, she nailed it 😀🙏🤘 She really made the track sound awesome. She is professional, very easy to work with and open for ideas and also contribu..."
"Absolutely loved his work and input on the track. Very responsive and flexible, and got all the details right! Highly recommend!"
"Always a pleasure to collaborate with Bobby. He has a real artistic identity. Thx for his involvement. For me he's one of my reference here on Soundbetter. "
"We have had the pleasure of working with Sara 4 times. Sara is by far the best experience, vocalist, biggest heart, amazing person and is the reason why we are using SoundBetter. Sara You Are The Cats Meow. ..."
"I have worked with Kimera several times over the past 18 or so months. Every single time she has outdone herself with her work. She is beyond amazing to collaborate with! "
"Amazing experience with Arthur! There's always something new and creative that he brings to every track that is truly refreshing for any artist looking to develop their sound. Couldn't be happier with the track that w..."