Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Blackevil
Unleashing raw power for the underground! I specialize in mixing extreme metal—whether it's heavy, death, or black metal. If you're looking for crushing tones and aggressive clarity, I've got you covered. Rock and roll is no stranger to me either. Let's take your sound to the next level!
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Hello! I'm a synth player and drummer known for my recording project Xander Harris.
Free lancer from France : FR & INTERNATIONAL. Accept contracts Can move to client, recruiter.. _____________________________________________ -[Room] Acoustic engineering -Sound-audio engineering & production -Composition & scoring - Music -Music &/or audiovisual projects proposals
An urban legend for those who are in the "industry know". It sounds better with FLAIRR.
Thula victorious is a South African model and beauty queen who is based in Johannesburg South Africa Real name is Nokuthula Victoria makhubu she was born on the 17th April 1993 in sebokeng hospital Thula victorious won almost 4 beauty contests and she is a fashion guru as well as beauty queen with a lovely smile
Certified Academic Writer
Audio Engineer specialised in Pop, R&B, Rock and Hip-Hop, available to help bring your songs to the next level.
My Dedication goes to Music, Music is my mom, Music is my god. If you'r cool and you love music, we should make some good work together.
Recent Successes
"Incredible performance again and such a nice person to work with."
"Another awesome project done:)"
"Couldn’t have asked for a better partner in realizing our vision for our song than Lee. He goes the extra step in making sure your song sounds the way you want it to. It’s our first go at Soundbetter and Lee was extre..."
"Daniel is a true pro and an awesome guy to work with. Very attentive producer and top notch musician. He hires the best session musicians going. He's already produced two singles for me which went top 5 internationall..."
"It was the 3rd time he did mastering for my work. I always believe his high quality skills that control whole range of sound spectrum. This time I love the bass enhancement especially. "
"Working with Warren was a great experience. He followed through on my requests, had clear communication and produced a track that was on point. You can tell that he appreciates the details too. Files and stems were w..."
"Aaron consistently does an incredible job with mastering tracks. Sounds are professional and feed back is helpful every time. He's just overall a great guy. Super grateful to be working with him!"
"Another great drum track with Nate. The best! "