Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Black Juju
Let's get together and make a record.
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Freelance studio in Sevilla/Edimburgo.
Lea Heart is an Artist from South Africa; On SAMA nominated Album 'Sugar' by Mark Stent, with radio play all over the world. Heart is published with major labels David Gresham and Perfect Havoc supported by the likes of Tiësto, David Guetta, Higher Self to name but a few. Her genre strength is Pop/Electronic/House/R&B/Soul.
i'm the guitarist of Mistral Pusher (for more info follow us on spotify). I played in MONFORTE IN JAZZ 2016. I'm high sound quality guitarist and I am multifaceted because in my career I played all musical genres.
I have spent most of my life listening to and making heavy sounds. I now want to be able to help out other musicians get the atmosphere and feeling that they desire in their recordings.
Minigiant is a collective of producers based in Denmark working on Hiphop,pop and edm. So far worked with artist such as Elo Kay, Diomer, Nnurra
Looking for mixing and mastering, or vocals? Im available and have quick turn around.
Noel Rokswel, a talented and versatile artist, embarked on a new journey in 2014 after a successful dance career. As a musician, he has captivated audiences with his soulful performances and heartfelt lyrics. With a strong foundation as a respected bay area dancer and singer, Noel earned the nickname "Rokswel" for his ability to rock the beat so we
Recent Successes
"David delivered a solid mix, professional, with a good manner, would use him again."
"Excellent! Yoed came up with beautiful string arrangements that complimented the melody and gave a new life to the song. He was very accomodating and happy to make modifications or additions when necessary. "
"Andres has this positive and most professional attitude that make everything better and a really high standard. His kind and blunt way to help the song makes me want to have my new songs recorded at his studio... ..."
"Ellee was amazing. She worked really fast and recorded all the ideas I had in mind :-) "
"Book Drew. You will not be let down. Beautiful voice, high quality and flexible approach. We came to him with a difficult track with many twists and turns. Drew adapted it, made the track what is was suppose to become..."
"Thank you, Lydia for another beauty of a piano track. Perfect fit, full of Lydia and yet still in keeping with the reference. Such a pro! And a fast one too. What a blessing to work one of Nashville's finest!"
"Stefano is great to work with. He has great ideas and then plays really great tracks on organ and piano. Highly recommend."
"Excellent guitar player. I love working with Daniel."