Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Birk
Do you want a modern progressive house/EDM song and a professional relationship to a producer i´am your guy!
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Two heads are better than one! We want to take your mixes and mastering to the next level, and with James' modern and Mark's traditional approach we can cover most bases. We've worked with everyone from local bands to legendary producers such as Chris Birkett and Snowboy, and pride ourselves on a high end result that won't break the bank!
Hi, I'm Elad Sikel, a respected musician and composer with 20 years of experience. My emotive compositions are known for capturing the essence of emotion, and I've had the privilege of contributing to hundreds of songs with top artists both live and in the studio.
30 years of experience in music business
30 years of experience in music business in audio and music production.
Multi-genre beatmaker, producer, and composer. Let's work together to develop your art! Whether you want an expansive soundscape, charting pop hit, or a hard trap beat from the mud, I want to work with you.
R&B/Soul with unique fusion
Making and experiencing music and being in the now equals unconditional self-love. <3
Award-winning music producer & mix engineer at Stranger Sounds, Canning Town. Extensive experience from arranging and recording orchestral strings in Prague to collaborating with Portishead producers, crafting sonic landscapes that transcend genres. Let's push boundaries together.
Recent Successes
"Kiirstin is an excellent singer and was super to work with. She responded quickly to my messages and provided high quality tracks for my song. Will definitely consider using her again on future projects!"
"Marco is dedicated to his work. Yet another project complete with full professionalism."
"Of course there are a lot of keyboard player sround here, but when I look for someone who could play on my production I always look for that magic. Calvin has that magic, that turnend my song into something special. ..."
"Austin is a great professional with a deep understanding of what his clients are trying to achieve. He is very responsive and quick turning around drafts for comments or the final product. Thanks!"
"I am a Korean producer. Jeff is a genius. He made a better sound than I thought. And he's very kind. I'm sure he's a good producer and mixer. he's a very nice person I'm going to commission Jeff to work again! ..."
"Manuel completed truly lovely recordings on tenor and alto saxophone, even graciously re-recording takes required due to my own directional mistake. So it is with great honor that I recommend Manuel as a woodwind inst..."
"I scrolled through some of the composers here on Sound Better and came across Marcos Barilari, & when I listened to his music something just hit me differently, It resonated with me right off. I selected Marcos for on..."