Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with BIPHONY
iTunes Top 10 Mastering Engineer. Songs have been played at festivals including Music On, Hideout, Parklife, Creamfields
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I own a little democracy home studio, and while last 2,5 years have recorded more than 1000 tracks of different genders.
Record your songs at Studio 6ONE7. We provided high quality sound.
Mahadeva Studios Cosmic Soundtracks
Don't pay a technician $200 an hour to edit a song or podcast. We will help you achieve your desired sound at a fraction of the cost.
I will help you anywhere from; recording, to mixing/mastering, to shooting music videos, to designing and ordering merch! Anything you need with great quality guaranteed!
Hello/Bonjour ! I'm a French female singer/songwriter specializing in a wide range of genres including Pop, R&B and EDM. I'd love to help other artists bring their ideas to life through my lyrics or my voice. I'm so excited to work with you !
iTunes Top 10 Mastering Engineer. Songs have been played at festivals including Music On, Hideout, Parklife, Creamfields
Ghostwriter for Hiphop, rap, pop, alternative, and rock, as well as producing. I have Years of experience in the industry, any and every vision you could ever have for a song, I can take care of, as well as checking in to make sure it’s to you’re liking. If you need quality, I can deliver.
Recent Successes
"We songwriters and producers are extremely fortunate that Joe is on this site! His bass playing is the highest example of melodic, fluid and foundational. I keep coming back to him because I know he will elevate my si..."
"Gerard did an amazing job! I love the final mix of my song and it sounds so good! He was patient with me throughout the process and made all of the edits I requested. I highly recommend him and will work with him agai..."
"Leo did an amazing job on my track once again. I love the quality of his recordings and his playing style.. Looking forward for our next project :)"
"very responsive delivered a great product "
"Where to even start. Amelia has gone above and beyond to create the sound that I was so wanting to achieve as this was a really special and meaningful present to someone who means a lot to me. We were able to chat 24/..."
"Joe did another awesome job remixing my song!! I love the vibe and play it on repeat! Always grateful to have Joe remix my music! I love the vocal chops! "
"Been working with this dude for a minute now, so I knew he had to be the one to mix and master my first collection of music. dude absolutely bodied it. Couldn't possibly be happier. Very quick and timely too. as alway..."