Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Bindi Bosses
I’m obsessed with rhythm and grooves. As a classically trained percussionist I play drums from around the world. My South Asian roots and western upbringing translates into my unique sound.
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Are you looking for a instrumental to sing or rap on? maybe something needs mixing? Hand your problems over to me and I promise you will not be disapointed.
Hi! I am a multi instrumentalist musician with over 20 years of experience in songwriting and sound production. I have been engineering and producing music/audio for 15 years and have full capabilities for audio production from songwriting to recording and mixing/mastering. I specialize in the un-specialized and consider myself an indie boutique
My predominant focus as an engineer is on musicality. I work to serve the song as a whole.
Specializing in remote recording, engineering, and mixing. Classical music is my forte. Jazz, rock, and bluegrass are my mezzo. Beats and rap are my piano.
Swedish university educated music producer and synthesizer sound designer who takes inspiration from goth and 80s alternative
I have a background as an instrumentalist and focus on human feel in my production. I've got most experience behind the drums, so interesting and tasteful rythms and beats is the ace up my sleeve. I'm currently studying music production at a highly recognized university in Norway.
Timothy Ned aka T!M NED is a person that exemplifies a true, God gifted talent!
Hey I'm Armin P.C.F. Im Iranian Music Producer and Flutist Winner of music youth festival(Iran) Worked with International iran Radio as a Producer Hoping to win Grammy award one day:)❤️
Recent Successes
"Cannot beleive the end product of the completed song. I worked with an all rounder a talented inspirational guy. The end result unremarkable when I heard the finished product I thought it was.a track on the radio not ..."
"Kimera is a true professional. She is fast, hard working, diligent, and resourceful. Had some issues with production and lyrics this go around but she was patient, flexible, and incredibly helpful. Work with her!!"
"Oliver delivers highly quality recordings, he's super pro and talented 100% recommended!"
"Amazing. Kayrae went above and beyond for our song together. She was so easy to work with and really elevated our song. "
"This is my second project with Tyler. He is totally professional, and comes through with quick turn-around. It's easy working with him because he is open to suggestions, and responds perfectly! I think we make a great..."
"It is always a great pleasure to work with Eddy. He understands exactly what I want as a customer and he is quick when something needs to be corrected."
"Absolutely an honor to work with! Easy and quality files! Absolutely recommend him to work on your project! 🙌🏼"
"Nick (Ruff) remixed for me a song that I've been listening to for years. I am very satisfied with his work. He is very patient and has a lot of ideas. Looking forward to working with him again !"