Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Bien Camba Trio
Audio Production and Engineering Services
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We are a multi disciplinary agency that specialize in the Media & Entertainment industry. We offer professional work and high quality of standards to achieve your goal's and ideas. Licensed and fully operated with professionals suited to your need!
I'm a Singer/Songwriter/Producer here to help you achieve your sonic dreams! I help artist applying for Factor grants to polish their songs and demos before submission. I help bands arrange instrumentals and vocal harmonies and produce full length albums.
I'm an established Songwriter and rapper in Montreal with a wide range of different rap styles ranging from pop rap to hip hop to drill to trap and even indie . Specialize in conceptual writing and themes . Always a quick turnaround and a solid Finished Product
Mixing your song to the next level.
R.iches I.s P.ower Productions Speaks For Itself The Only Thing Left To Do Is Validate For Yourself Cause When It Comes To What We Do We Do It Well And We Can Tell No Lies When It Comes To What We Do Lend A Ear Counterparts You May Or May Not Agree Lol...
I am a session guitarist & vocalist, as well as touring engineer with over 10 years of experience.
Recent Successes
"Andrijana is very professional and does a great job with any material she receives and strives for her customer's satisfaction. Highly recommend and will use again."
"Tony is a true professional with great sounding vocals. Finished early and no prob w files. Excellent!"
"Amazing job as usual working with Camilo, def going for more!"
"Just got back my masters from Austin, and again I am very impressed by his work! Will definitely continue using his services for future tracks. He was very professional, and his turnaround time was second-to-none. I r..."
"Exceeded my expectations!!!"
"Eddie and I are the A-Team out here! Great working with Eddie again. 5/5"
"Jeff, Man He NAILED it!!! Perfect perfect perfect!!!! Great Job. I feel the song is mixed to perfection :) AMAZING!!! He is very patient. Understood the task and delivered it. Way more dedicated and great masters than..."
"Mike brought me to tears with his beautiful and passionate keyboard playing. He really understood what I was going for with this song!!"