Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Betrayal of Angels
More than a decade of expertise in rock and metal music production, mixing, and mastering. I excel in capturing raw power and emotion, delivering polished tracks using the tools at my disposal. Let's create genre-defining music that leaves a lasting impact!
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You can write songs and or play music but you are not sure how to achieve the sound your hear on the radio? Maybe you have a mixed track that needs mastering? We offer full music production, mixing and mastering as well as audio editing at affordable rates with professional quality and fast turnaround. Let’s make the song you want!
My name is Daniel, i’m an Aussie producer/percussionist/vocalist that is ready to help streamline your creative process. I work alongside you to provide (where necessary): -mix and master (optimised for each platform) -sound/sample design or collection -cover art -feedback sessions (if you need help with branding, or retargeting campaigns etc).
Nothing beats hearing the music you have composed being played by an orchestra. But how do you go from rough sketch to professional score? This is where I come in. Whether it's a small piano sketch or a near completed piece, I will orchestrate your music for small, medium or large ensemble.
Valentin Markvukaj is a Composer / Producer / Sound Engineer, who has been writing and performing music for more than 20 years. His work spans different genres with many artists around the world, and his unique creative flair makes him a force to be reckoned within the music industry.
Joey Paschal is an award winning songwriter and producer with an impressive 25 years of experience in the music production and songwriting business. In 1991, he began writing songs for Barry White and in 1997 co-wrote “Staying Power” and “Slow Your Roll” for his 1998 album with the same title.
Worked with Ckay, BOJ, Blaqbonez, Starboy Teri, Falz,etc Producing for 8 years actively.
Multi instrumentalist can help bring your vision to life - worked Snarky Puppy, Harrison Brome, Diamond Cafe, Forrest Moritfee, Jonny Tobin, Sam Lynch, I.Am.The.Living, and Yung Heazy.
Professional grade music engineering at your finger tips! Trust Chestnut Mtn Records to take care of the challenges involved in mixing/mastering.
Recent Successes
"Mariami was great to work with. She is an incredibly talented songwriter and singer. She is professional, creative and timely. The resulting song we created captured the emotions that we were looking for."
"Tyree was a pleasure to work with and had very quick response times as well as top quality work. I would definitely recommend using his services."
"We had wanted to work with Kelly since his work with Hiatus Kaiyote, and he has enhanced our mixes to such a high level! We had a few rather specific requests which he happily accommodated and he always stayed in touc..."
"First wonderful collaboration with Jenny. She is very responsive, delivers high-quality vocals with a strong attention to details. The stems were top-notch. I am looking forward to the next project. "
"This man is really onoe of the best one out there. Everytime I have a proyect, he comes and delivers quality, PROFESSIONAL work. If you have a proyect you need mastering to, do not hesitate to get this Aaron behind ..."
"Working with Zoë was amazing! The recorded vocals were beautiful and communication was quick and on point. I will definitely work with her again!"
"I have worked with Dexy for a couple of times now, and I'm always happy with the end result he is sending me! This was not the first time, and sure it's not the last time I will turn to Dexy for my next mastering job...."
"It was an absolute pleasure to work with Mr. Mig. Fantastic mix and mastering - in first take. Good ears for details, and good mixing ideas, beyond the expected. Professional work, and friendly communication with quic..."
"Jimmy is awesome! Very quick and communicative. He's obviously got the pro chops, but is also willing to be generative and to dig into feedback. I discovered through the process that I was more particular about some t..."