Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Bernard Edwards
Hello! I'm a multiple Grammy award winner and have recorded and worked closely with producers Nile Rodgers, Bernard Edwards, Daniel Lanois, Bob Clearmountain, Russ Titleman and many others. I've been recording drums remotely since 1998. I've recorded albums for Stevie Ray Vaughan, Joe Sample, Ric Ocasek, David Lee Roth, Jeff Beal, Ben Harper, etc.
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Sound Engineer graduated at UNESA on Recording Technics nd Phonographic Production in 2006 and with more than 12 yrs of experience. Worked as a FOH and Monitor engineer for many big acts of Brazil. Lived 4 years in NYC working with Bebel Gilberto. In her 4th album -All In One- was nominated as Exec. Producer & Rec. Engineer by the academy in 2010
Excelling in sound engineering for the past 11+ years, with strong experience in recording, editing, mastering mixing and restoring audio.Worked with 500+ clients for various tv commercials, celebrity recordings, radio spots, dance medleys & feature films across diverse musical genres and earning consistent praise for sound quality produced.
From a Soul/R&B background with Pop abilities. Harmonies are my specialty. I also rap and can assist with songwriting. Visit www.itsmepagliacci.com for more info.
I work with software to create unique sounds and styles of music. I can produce, mix, master and overall improve the quality of your sound.
Hey! I'm a singer-songwriter, multi-instrumental musician, rapper and producer of Pop, Electro, Dance, Hip Hop, Latin and R&B by the name of Deverano. I'm open to a vast level of work within any field of music and media known to man. I profession in beat making, songwriting, tracking, mixing and mastering. Message me and let's create a legacy :)
I'm a songwriter, arranger and a vocalist. Play a guitar and Theremin.
I am 4x4 Opera, rap , ballad, pop
Specializing in rhythm & lead guitar for Rock, Funk, Blues, Pop, Jazz Fusion, Folk & Country styles.
Recent Successes
"Paige has an intimate, beautiful voice. Exactly what I needed. She was also very easy to work with, and took into account all my (sometimes vague) suggestions about the interpretation."
"Arturo is all stars, nuf respect to the man! I received good communication with kindness and high quality workmanship. "
"Shelley's committed, talented, personable and - in this case at least, where time was a bit of the essence - commendably fast. Not only will I not hesitate to work with her again, but probably look forward to! "
"Yet again I'm blown away by the result I got. We made a great deal together and Steve overdelivered by adding the master without any additional payment... Can you believe that? Also I got a sh*tload of tips on mixing ..."
"Giancarlo has been in my favorites for over 4 years. Today, I finally get to work with a person who's mixes I've admired and loved. 100% recommend him with any genre! Goes extra mile if you ask him to :) Kushal :)"
"Always an absolute pleasure to work with Leroy. He's a master at his craft. Would recommend to anyone wanting their music bringing to life with an expert mix and master!"
"Always in tune with what my music needs."