Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with bensrd
Professional Music Services
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Recording studio in Chichester west sussex UK. High end equipment . experienced engineer for recording mixing and mastering. Need help with your production? want a professional mix/master? Really competitive rates.
Your least favorite rapper's favorite rapper! Not really. But whether you need pure, raw human emotion, or a display of lyricism, or a touching story to be told, I can be your one-stop shop to get any or all of it accomplished. The pen is always ready!
Brooklyn based trombonist and multi-instrumentalist Chris Ott is an in demand studio musician having recorded with the likes of Jacob Collier, Michael McDonald, Kurt Elling, The Jonas Brothers, Lake Street Dive, Allen Stone, and many others. If you're looking for horns for your next track or album, no matter the style, look no further!
I do incredibly Mixing & Mastering...
Studied Audio Recording, Editing & Mixing at Vancouver Film School. I also have over 15 years of experience in songwriting and recording.
I write and record top quality Punchy Creative and Quirky (if you like) toplines to your taste with over 10 years experience as a Session Singer & Guitarist. I've got songs with over 1 million plays on spotify and have worked with 5 star hotels in the middle east and China. My specialty is EDM and Alternative Pop / Rock, working to your taste.
If you are looking for a talented, hardworking, and deadline-oriented musician, you came to the right place. I am able to blend elements from multiple different genres that ultimately combine to create a unique sound. I am always ready to work with other creatives who have the same goal in mind: to share their art with the world.
Recent Successes
"I've worked with Jack multiple times for both recording & mixing. I was recently hired to record female vocals for a duet, so I went straight to Jack, and he immediately go to work on it. Jack is extremely detailed or..."
"Amazing ! Buddy loved the mix 😊"
"Todd did excellent work, was very communicative and quick! I highly recommend him!"
"CALIX has some Extraordinary vocals skills, following the blueprint of what I was attempting to do, demonstrating, envisioning, conveying the songs potential into the Signature lick. Nip and tucking it into place, lea..."
"Matt is a seriously good mix engineer and producer. He gets it 95% on first mix pass (which usually arrives very fast) and will bend backwards for the extra 5. So glad I found him"
"Incredible work! Chad brought such a unbelievable clearness and balance in the mix (including some "special effects") Wow! And the deliver time - can't find any words! "
"I will forever work with G! I wish I could give him 1,000 stars. Super talented, communications is unmatched, knew exactly what I wanted, and blew the beat out of the water. Better than I ever expected! "
"Zachary delivers fast and high quality work! Excellent communication! I am excited to continue to work with Zachary. "
"Austin was amazing to work with and really made my tracks pop. Highly recommend working with him."