Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ben Isaacs
Worked with Ben Isaacs and Mark Capps on a couple projects. Done guitar parts on a few demos for songwriters. No producing experience, but I’ve learned from Ben Isaacs and Stephen Mougin how to bring out the best in people. Always flexible and adaptable to your needs! Willing to learn!
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I am an Italian producer an mixing engineer
I need talented and down to earth MC's to spit on home-made hip-hop instrumentals and varied instrumentalists happy to work together and be sampled in a creative and collaborative way.
I want to make the best sonic representation of your music. Because music should not sound all the same...
A German Producer, Beatmaker and DJ called MaxDukes, producing every type HipHop- and Rap-Beats. The Munich Beatmaker is known for his emotional Beat, but also for his electronic Music, especially for House Music.
Hey I'm Aryaka Shukla I'm a Singer and a Musician.
Mixed rap music for Lil Tjay, & Sofaygo. Mixed alternative rock song for Q marsden
Universidad Privada en Madrid, Pozuelo. Más del 30% alumnos becados. Líderes en trato personal. La formación de la UFV dota al alumno de los conocimientos teóricos necesarios para el desempeño de su profesión, le forma en las habilidades, competencias y talentos imprescindibles para su ejercicio y le transmite los valores y actitudes necesarios pa
Experienced Producer and Mixing/Mastering and Editing Engineer. I specialize in Pop music, Jazz music, Acapella. I work with Logic Pro, Melodyne. I will help your track to become interesting, unique and musical.
Recent Successes
"My 8th song working with Marcello was really special; I wanted to capture the complex emotions I intended with the tune and create an epic feel, which required great versatility from Marcello and his team. In a phrase..."
"AJ was great to work with. Was able to execute exactly what I needed for a TV brief on time with plenty of great options to choose from. Strongly recommended! "
"Brent is incredible. This is my second time using him. On the first song, he completely transformed the mix and took the track to a whole other level that allowed us to get almost 5 million streams in a few months! A..."
"This is my second time working with Justin and he is an incredible cellist and brilliant to work with. What I really like about Justin is he interprets music beautifully and writes his own parts going beyond any flesh..."
"an absolute gem of an artist. really great and easy to work with. always get what i need with fast delivery. highly recommend!"
"Awesome Arrangements always"
"Superb job! One of the best to ever do it!"
"As always, Alex PGSV delivered an amazing beat within a very reasonable timeframe. Every single time I work with Alex, I am blown away! Thanks man for consistently pumping out bangers!"