Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ben Hunter
Music producer with over a decade of experience. Worked with Miss Lafamia, Izzy T, to name a few.
I provide musician's access to an experienced, trained audio engineer, to take your audio productions to the next level. The business provides online mixing and mastering services that will give your melodic creations the polish and sheen they require, to be readily released into the commercial market at industry delivery standards.
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Affordable engineer with professional results, with fast turn-around times.
All around good guy who just wanna make great music, sound even better!
Performed with Justin Timberlake, Omar Hakim, Rachel Z, Dan Freeman, George Garzone and more. Singed deals and worked with companies like Warner Music, Natura, INPN,
I'm here to add lush, beautiful, moving harmony vocals or tasteful instrumentation and production to your song. And in general, I'm here to make your song sound the best it possibly can. I have a passion for creating and helping other people create. I invite you to see me as your musical partner.
Ready to take your music to the next level? I'm Freddie, a songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, producer and mixing engineer with over 5 years of experience. I am super passionate about alternative, electronic and indie music, and would love to use the skills I've learned to help others see their visions come to life.
I'm a singer/ songwriter and multi instrumentalist. I am a graduate of the Humber College Music program in Toronto with 30 plus years experience. I majored in composition and arranging. I have close to 100 records under my belt as a producer/engineer . I am the lead singer of my group Adam's rib.
Look no further, I'm the one! I am a Producer / Audio Engineer & also a Musical Recording Artist (Rapper/Singer), I specialize into Hip-Hop, Trap & RNB music, but I'm always looking to experiment other genres!
Professional Mixing & Mastering - Your Vision, Brought To Life. 12-years in the music industry with experience working with established artists such as Kaiser Chiefs as well as those up-and-coming or starting their musical journeys.
Recent Successes
"Rob is a wonderful engineer! We absolutely loved his work! He really surprised us with an incredible mix we barely needed to fix! He was so professional with things and was so quick to respond. We will definitely be b..."
"Cant say anything that hasn't already been said. Dan exceeded all my expectations; it was such a pleasure working with him. could not believe thee results. Was so kind and very talented guy. truly recommend. Thank..."
"Extremely professional vocalist. Excellent voice and very friendly. Top!"
"Josh, you nailed it again bro! I am always so excited to be working with you! "
"Amazing, like always :)"
"Andres is brilliant. What he brought out of the mix was not just loudness (Well, he did that as well! Flawlessly with retaining the punch (I call it magic)). There were subtle tonal moves he made that brought out the ..."
"As usual, it Rocks, thank you so Much Dr Ford, i love the result. A song that could not find it's way, you found it. Thank you"
"305 Horns come through for me every time! Totally know how to bring out hooks in a song bring out the coolest melodies! Home run with 305 Horns. Love these guys. "
"excellent mix again!!!"
"Lovely working with Thea. She has an incredibly quick turnaround and over delivered. Thanks for your creativeness Thea : ) "