Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Belgrado
I've worked as a recording and mixing engineer for independent studios and bands in LA for the last 10 years and now run my own recording studio in West Hollywood with full-band tracking capabilities. I love combining the use of cool analog gear with the fidelity and efficiency of digital technology to craft the perfect sound.
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Editor/Engineer/Re-recording Mixer
Always working for the benefit of the music, not my ego.
I'm a Swedish Audio Engineer, Songwriter and Music Producer living in Stockholm. I've been recording, mixing and mastering songs for over ten years and been involved in music for over fifteen years. I work with bands and songwriters to take their songs to the next level.
GRP, the mastermind behind the electrifying tracks of ‘Street Fighter 6’, has been spotlighted in both The Washington Post and Rolling Stone Magazine. Beyond music production, GRP boasts a diverse portfolio in sound design, working with giants like NIKE and the groundbreaking 88rising.
Providing a wide range of vocal styles by three different people, select the vocal style you would like and we will match it! Examples: 1. https://open.spotify.com/track/1iDeR19xsNa7Qgwq2aYLT6?si=12f8e523c5fb444 2. https://open.spotify.com/track/562BlO5aB7Kq9xGtNjAyP7?si=c81b910204244bed
French singer/songwriter/producer/musician.
Singer Songwriter and Trumpet Player
High Quality Music Producer / Mixing & Master Engineer I’m skilled in using industry-standard software and techniques, and I ensure full project management from start to finish. Regular communication is key to a successful collaboration, so let’s stay connected and make exceptional music together.
Recent Successes
"Fantastic mastering as usual! Thanks again!!!"
"Alex is a great mastering engineer fast, quick and instructive feedback. I definetely recommend if you want high quality work."
"I'd highly recommend hiring Will for your audio production needs. Will really takes the time to put thoughtful decisions into the process of making your song sound the best that it possibly could and has the skills ne..."
"Perfect, just what I was looking for. Thanks Jon"
"Vic is seriously the best. Just finished our second song and I could not recommend him enough!! So communicative and an incredible listener. Also SO much attention to detail. Very versatile too haha."
"I hired Elias to do some no-click drum editing for me, a difficult task in it's own right made even more difficult by the fact that I sent him a drum take of me jamming free form and occasionally changing tempos. I wa..."
"Superb work yet again from Liam. He's my absolute go to guy for ANY string work! Thanks Liam!"