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Bass Electric in italy who worked with Italy
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Completely unkown Music producer, Audio Engineer, songwriter and bassplayer.
GLORIOUS, a livetronica drummer, Pop singer-songwritter, and producer, has been making music since she started playing drums at the age of three. Her unique strengths— livetronica drumming and soulful, resonant vocals— together produce a livetronica drumming and soulful, resonant vocals.
7 Time Grammy winner
Directico de la Habana pa Costa Rica!!!!Soy cantante y escritor de canciones del genero urbano latino en general ( reggaeton. trap. hip hop latino). He escrito alrededor de 50 temas.Me gusta mezclar lo comercial del genero con la parte sentimental de la letra. I'm a cuban Latino Urban Music( Reggaeton, Trap, Hip Hop Latino) singer & songwriter.
I've worked with the main Brazilian artists and recorded many things for TV like The Voice (Brazil), The Four and several soundtracks. Almost everything about Acoustic guitars (steel and classical) and Electric is possible. Preference for Brazilian, Pop, Folk, Funk and Modern "beats".
Music producer with over 10 years of experience, PhD in Immersive Music in Binaural Format. Quality and professionalism always first!
Trumpet, Specialization in recording. I can do it at my home studio or in a partner recording studio if you want to. Solo trumpet(jazz, brazilian music, hip-hop, funk, pop). Horn section (trombone, trumpet and sax) Arranger for horn (trombone, trumpet, sax and other)
A singer, composer and music producer, with over 8 years of experience in singing and 5 years of experience in music production and mixing
Recent Successes
"A+ great communication skills, delivers on time and a great lyricist too."
"The reason I keep having Aly perform my most important work is that she is such a warm, subtle singer. She never oversells these songs, she lays back and sings them with heart and wonderfully textured reading. Her sin..."
"Absolutely five stars!! Jeni did such an amazing job, and her double bass part and playing are perfect for the song. The sound quality of her bass is warm and rich. I really couldn't be happier. Thank you Jeni for you..."
"Joey was very communicative and prompt with his responses. Nice job, thanks!"
"She has a beautiful voice. I challenged her with the song she worked on for me, and she was up for the challenge and never complained. Great Job!"
"Rory is an amazing vocalist and delivers excellence in lighting speed! I couldn't be happier with the song and can't wait for the next one. I highly recommend him for your next project! "
"Professional, Grade A Quality, and fast service"