Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Basic Vocab
Professional Mixing Engineer and Producer, well-versed in multiple genres including: R&B, Afrobeat, Rap, Hip-Hop and Pop.
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Sheel has done drum session work with some of the biggest record labels, producers and songwriters in the world, including Atlantic Records, Teddy Riley, Mike Elizondo, John Feldman, David Kahne, Chino Moreno (Deftones) & James Fauntleroy.
I can take your beat and make a whole song out of it, I can write lyrics to your music, I can also sing and record vocals for your song!
Worlds Largest Ethical Hackers & Security Researchers
Caracas, based musician, Trombonist and studio Owner, with more than 32 years of expirience as solo trombonist of the Municipal Symphony Orchestra of Caracas, played and recorded with manny international artists, :Franco De Vita, Manuel Tejada, Naty Martinez, Porfi Jimenez, I played with Natalie Cole, Vicky Carr ,Willie Colón,Tito Puente, Celia C.
Just 2 girls who love music. We have written lyrics together for 20+ years. We currently have a rough demo (Thanks KM) and a final mix and master (Thanks AC). .
specializing in remote drum tracking, drum programming, and overall production.
Guitarist and Producer with a twist.
Recent Successes
"Ben is taking every project very seriously and always deliver high quality guitars and vocals! "
"Buzz! Buzz! Work with a great professional !! I am delighted! Excellent mixing and mastering !!!"
"Lew was great to work with. Mixed & mastered my track and really brought it to life. Look forward to working with you again."
"Eddy smashed the radio edit of my track to pieces showing the man is not only effective on full length tracks but can work his magic in just 4 minutes or less. Magical."
"Another fantastic experience with Austin. He has an incredible knack for catching the vision of a project and executes with talent and professionalism. It's apparent that his greatest desire is the complete satisfacti..."
"Amazing crispy clean masters from Andres again!"
"Well, what can i say. Song2 with Harmoni providing Bass and good vibes. Such a Professional. !!! She is now a permanent part of my "virtual" sound Better band (for as long as she chooses to indulge me). All the..."
" Martin is a shining example of what a top-class engineer and mixer are all about. Patient with both artist and the creative process, he's engaged, accountable, and well-knowledgeable about his craft. His work ethic,..."