Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with bartan
Finalist of the TV project Voice of Ukraine. I write samples, hooks, melodies and songs. I record backing vocals and give singing lessons.
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Lin Studio a home based recording studio that can meet the needs of mixing and tracking your next project.
Passionate about making your music sound the best it can, Jess specialises and excels in a wide range of services ranging from Production to Mixing and everything in between.
Diplomato presso la SAE di milano, come ingegnere audio, a gennaio del 2019. Mi sono specializzato nel missaggio e nel mastering, e nella pulizia delle clip audio con RX Graduated from the SAE of Milan, as an audio engineer, in January 2019. I specialized in mixing and mastering, and cleaning audio clips with RX
Need dope Beats?
Hi I'm Julianne :) A very experienced multi-genre vocalist and songwriter, known for my rich, powerful, and versatile vocals (spoken and sung). Over 1.6+million streams on Spotify. I'll write lyrics, toplines & record vocals for ANY genre. I will make your song a masterpiece & take it to the top!
A Multi-Genre Music Producer, Engineer and Instrumentalist at your service. Mostly work in Hip-Hop but have produced other genres with top notch quality as well.
Hire me as a professional guitarist with 20+ years experience for your project. I love challenging tasks and unusual styles. I've been playing pop, blues, rock, rnb, jazz and classic guitar for years. With lots of happy clients I managed to work with several big musicians and a major label Universal Music. I will listen and understand your needs
My songs are daily rotating in radio playlists all over Slovakia & Czech Republic / "BEST SONG" at CARPATHIA FESTIVAL (PL) 2015 / 1st prize at song contest "KOŠICKÝ ZLATÝ POKLAD" with song ZAMILOVANÁ by Slávka Tkáčová / 2nd prize at song contest "KOŠICKÝ ZLATÝ POKLAD" with song VODOPÁD by Bara Repková /
Recent Successes
"Hamilton was such a pleasure to work with. He's super professional & I was able to convey my ideas to him w/o any problems at all. The cello tracks are recorded perfectly and the end result sounds beautiful!! I'll def..."
"I had a great experience working with Joey! She was professional, worked fast, and delivered high quality. Highly recommend!"
"Totally professional and with unmatched quality of service. Leonel is simply awesome. Words will fall short to describe how happy I am with talent bringing life to my songs. I will definitely keep on working with him ..."
"Adam Brookes delivered a fantastic remix that was so good it gave me chills. His sparkling, energetic rendition breathed new life into the tune while still honoring the original. I'd highly recommend working with Adam..."
"Brittany did an amazing job on my song. The lyrics she wrote exactly captured the message I was envisioning for the song and her recorded vocals, verses and chorus, were so beautiful. Throughout the process Brittany..."
"Once again, Gekko has delivered an incredible track! He understood exactly what I wanted and went above and beyond. The track has such a feel-good vibe and is unique and original. Aside from his enormous talent, Gekko..."
"MARLEE XX is exceptional both in terms of personality and skill. I am certain that I will work with her again. It was a pleasure collaborating with you."
"Amazing work as always. It's obvious he care about helping artist succeed and get the best out of their music. Can't wait to continue this project."
"Man Patrick always hits the sweet spot of the song. He has never let me down. Professional to the nth degree. "
"This is our first time working with Jamila, and we were extremely pleased by her work! Amazing singer, with great technique, wide range, and soulful voice. Warmly Recommended !!!"