Banjo in San Jose
Across the United States, ‘Alvarez Tech Consulting’ has the experience, tools, and impeccable skill set to stand apart from the competitors and offer their clients professional I.T services because we better understand the world of I.T.
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I am a Guitarist and audio engineer from Mumbai. I have been working as a session guitarist for Jingles, Songs and BGM. Other instruments (jaw harp,Ukulele,Drums)
Integritous songwriter. Enthusiastically creative and confident.
I am a Content Creator at I have Knowledge and experience in Copy writing , online gaming industry , academic writing, e-learning and blogging, I am also an expert in website design and development, Graphics Design,
If you're looking for a Bubblegum Bass/Hyperpop beat, I'm your person! Queer and unapologetic is the best way to describe the kind of music I make and love to listen to. I can build your song from the ground up to your liking or build something around a vocal, instrument, or diddy you got floating around in your head. Let's work together!
I've produced, arranged, mixed, and mastered my own music for years. My experience as an artist is invaluable in communicating and working with others. I've written at Sony, Warner Bros, Creative Nation, and other publishers. I would love the chance to work with you and bring your project to life.
Music producer from Australia with over 10 million+ streams/plays across platforms.
First & foremost I am a musician/songwriter, greatest strength is guitar, I am also a good producer and excellent engineer. I own and operate a studio since 2004, have played and wrote for several working/touring bands.I am currently in a signed band called Stone Prophet. Also owned a music venue for 15 yrs and ran sound and recorded many genres.
Engineering.... Songwriter... Publisher... Producer... 561 449 1337
Recent Successes
"Jaytech did a fantastic job with my mix and master! He nailed to vibe of the reference tracks I sent him, taking my mix from 80% to 100%. He also helped me work through some small mix issues to make sure we were b..."
"Macau is a top-notch producer. This is my second time working with him. He’s very talented, innovative, professional, quick, and reliable. He’ll get your vision spot on the first time around. Highly recommended! Thanks"
"Nails it every time! Doesn’t matter the song or the job, killian makes it magic every time!"
"Belle is an awesome singer! Very professional, great communication. She brought my song to life, Thank you so much! Kind Regards! Recommend!"
"Tom is A++ on every project. We have done several , I love that he wants to make every song great....."
"My Experiences with this producer have always been productive! The only way to get your music sounding like A-list artist, Wiz Khalid’s knows! Definitely recommend. "
"Very professional, a real pleasure to work with! Highly recommended. "
"Profesional, fast turnaround, great communication. No fuzz, just great work! I can always count on Nate! "
"Always providing the best quality! Like usual I cannot recommend Gabe enough! Also a pleasure to work with!"