Banjo in Poznań
I'm a guitarist who is curious to find new sounds. I'm not limited to one musical genre and listens carefully to each track to find a unique guitar sound for it. If You have the lyrics for the song, I can compose a melody for it. Let's talk about You and your music!
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Why is Sound Painter ? From my early years I always saw many images in my mind while listened to music. And now for me creation of music is a painting of some pictures from someone's mind ( client's or my ) with different tones,timbres,melodies and harmonies.
Mixing &Mastering Engineer
I'm a songwriter, vocalist, and guitarist specializing in rock and pop music. Two time Boston Music Award nominee. I love creating songs that are genre-bending, ones that break the mold but are still fun and catchy.
Harvard Best música score winner, Top argentinian vocal Coach, composer and producer.
Sincere storytelling and vivid vocals
I'm new to Soundbetter but not new to the music business. With over 20 years of experience in the music industry I am well prepared and skilled to take your track to the next level. My mix and master will bring your music to life
Worked with hundreds of artists on their Afrobeat projects, and I also mix and master projects too
currently eating, breathing and being music. I can only understand my feelings through songs and that's why I do that I do. A great melody, accompanied with moving lyrics, can change someone's life forever and that that I focus on doing on each of my songs: create art thats worth listening.
Recent Successes
"Perfecto! Un auténtico artistazo! Espero que podemos trabajar juntos en más proyectos!"
"Second time round working with Arthur and agiain his professionalism and work have blown me away. Always responds in a timely manner and his turnaround time is excellent! He has become my go to guy for mix/master!! Wo..."
"Andres is awesome! Speedy and lovely quality on his work. Will use again!"
" I am satisfied with the end result, although it took some time, but He was really patient. Got my song sounding just as I wanted Quality work ! Highly recommended!"
"Chandler is with out a doubt, one of the best singers I have had the pleasure to work with on Soundbetter and I would not hesitate to recommend him for your projects. He was very professional and friendly, delivered w..."
"Simon is incredibly kind, hardworking, great with communication, and above all, TALENTED! Not only did he totally nail the sound I was going for production-wise, he's also so fun to work with. I sincerely loved collab..."
"It was an honor working with Elsie Bay. She wrote and sang such incredible vocals. I will definitely work with her again. Can recomment."
"Great pianist and super receptive to feedback as well!"