Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Banda Extempore
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Mercredi 9 is a unique and comfortable 600 m2 recording studio located in Paris XX. Our rooms hold a variety of vintage and modern recording equipment, and a wonderful collection of instruments of all kind.The control room centers around the mxp3000 Sony console (the last MCI), a Pro-tools and racks of amazing outboard gear.
Scott is a seasoned music producer and audio engineer, working in recording studios and running FOH for numerous artists, both locally, and touring nationally.
... master of some! Whether you've got a finished track that needs mixed, or just an idea for a song and you don't know how to get started, I can help you!
I will put your song on top
Sanja Gutt is a singer and songwriter from Vienna, Austria (Europe) recognizable by her bright voice, big range and versatile timber, composing mainly with guitar and keys.
Songwriter from Lagos
I am a conservatory trained jazz pianist who focuses on producing beats and samples for hip hop and pop music using an array of analog equipment.
Recording & Mixing studio located on the French Riviera .
Recent Successes
"Working with Andrew is the best thing I've done for my songs since writing them. He knows what he's doing technically, but more importantly he loves what he's doing creatively. That comes across in both the quality of..."
"Jason was great! He provided me with a very fast turnaround time, he was very kind and the results lived up to the standards of the work he's most known for. Will work with again! "
"Phoebe's lovely vocals added sparkle and that creativity edge that the song needed to get to the next level!"
"Great person to work with! I'd read reviews about how quick the turn around time was but I didn't believe it was THAT quick! Very professional and responsive. Asked for a revision and took care of it immediately witho..."
"Layla was fantastic to collaborate with! She is attentive, creative, and easy to work with. I'm very pleased with how our project has turned out. I definitely recommend working with her on your next project. I surely ..."
"Jake delivered the exact results we were after while maintaining a professional but relaxed working environment. The vocals sounded very polished and hi fi, and we were able to get some great takes from the singer bec..."
"Amazing drummer! Super profissional "