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Bamako Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Profesional recording studio located in Beautiful Bogota in Colombia specializing in recording real musicians .
I am a sonic artist and have a passion for creating sounds that are enjoyable for every one, I want to help bring your projects to life and make some magic with you.
Mix Master your piece!
Come to see us @ facebook.com/popperstopperreczstudio and you will see...;-)
Providing a wide range of vocal styles by three different people, select the vocal style you would like and we will match it! Examples: 1. https://open.spotify.com/track/1iDeR19xsNa7Qgwq2aYLT6?si=12f8e523c5fb444 2. https://open.spotify.com/track/562BlO5aB7Kq9xGtNjAyP7?si=c81b910204244bed
soy productor musical, compositor y arreglista. siempre a la orden
I write songs and play the piano. Can write tunes for cinema.
Looking for a vocalist with the heart of Aretha Franklin, the soul of Janis Joplin, and a love for those classic call-and-answer harmonies? I’m a singer/songwriter with over two decades of experience, bringing the rich, feel-good vibes of '60s/'70s Soul, R&B, and Funk to every track. Let’s bring that authentic, soulful edge to your project!
Recent Successes
"Best mastering I've ever had ♥️ "
"Camille was perfect for my project .Camille's voice can be both beautifully melodic and soulful and punchy and snappy when required. The vocals ,bgv;s and ad libs were all super recorded and required little work on m..."
"Great experience working with Meredith! Really charming voice, Magical voice. Promise is really important. She kept the deadline and sent me the vocal files. Thank you so much Meredith :)"
"Rodrigo is an incredible musician to work with. On top of being fantastic at both upright and electric, he was also a great collaborator, thoughtfully coming up with ideas off of what I brought to him and always happy..."
"She has a very beautiful tone of voice! The job was done professionally. I recommend to everyone!"
"Another fantastic experience! Just finished up three songs in record fashion, flawless from start to finish on each with beautiful results. Mark is simply the best, the turn around time, quality, creativity and sheer ..."
"Yet another awesome song completed by Ziv, and there is no wonder he is on top with his great reviews...they are well-deserved! He's the first guy I think of when I record a new song!"
"King of drums!! "
"Austin mixed and mastered my EDM track perfectly! He brought up the track to a high-end and professional level and realized my ideas of the sound excellent! The communication was great, so it was a pleasure to work ..."