Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with BALLADYNA
Experienced composer and producer for film, theatres, tv, shows etc. I have created over 50 original scores. I work with soloists, string quartets, orchestras, professional samples and synths. I gathered valuable prizes for scoring, including The Best Music in Country's Theatre Season. https://encyklopediateatru.pl/osoby/15321/robert-kanaan.
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I'm an expert ProTools operator and editor having worked on a number of major productions such as: Three Days Grace, Barenaked Ladies, and Walk Off The Earth. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Multi-faceted producer and engineer who can take your project from inception to completion.
I am a professional Audio Engineer, Producer, Mixing and Mastering Pro. I am the Official Music Engineer for Spaceout Productions. As the Official Audio Engineer for the Artist Spaceout, I have had the great opportunity to engineer, fully mix and master every mix that has been released by the artist. I have over 3 years of professional experience.
Prolific, sample based producer who can work in ANY genre.
I love co-writing and will help you bringing your songs to the next level!
Audio engineer specializing in Latin music. Currently pursuing Master’s degree with Berklee College of Music. Bachelor’s degree in Music Theory and Composition.
Top Singer and Songwritter: winner of 2018 Captain Plugins' Two Genres Contest with Mau Montekio on LoveBlind.
Producer, Mix & Master engineer with 6+ years of experience
Recent Successes
"Brad did a perfect job, deffinently gonna work with him again! "
"Very fast and professional"
"Fantastic results, As always. And the Mix supervision is a plus for me."
"The best of the best. By favorite bass player in sound better by far and I’ve used a lot. My go to player. He has the most incredible time and feel to every track and both basses he sends me have wonderful tones/feels"
"Jordi was great to work with, highly recommended! "
"Josh is the best! That's it! We accomplished everything I wanted and then some! Josh helped me to create an amazing song from scratch and provided me with an FANTASTIC experience!!"
"Thanks Andres for your valuable help and excellent service each time. It's a pleasure working with you!!"
"Milana did an exceptional job with the rearrangement of my song, playing electric piano, synths and grand piano. A truly amazing experience to see my song blossom into something so beautiful. Milana is a truly gifte..."
"First time working with Sam but definitely not the last - stellar work, quick turnaround and very communicative and nice to work with :)"