Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with BabySantana
2 million+ streams across platforms. I have written & engineered over 500 songs (including every one in my discography) and have collaborations with artists like Midwxst, Milan, Tana, Ninexteen, Ezcodylee, 1300saint, etc. I have songs with notable producers like TheCxdy, Raf, Xdkole, Cade, Mimo, Barloss & many more.
I am a self taught, versatile music producer and mixing/mastering engineer - for all your modern rap/trap, pop and dancehall. After 4 years of practice, I've been able to make producing & engineering my professional career and I find great joy in helping others take their music to its highest potential!
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Music producer , I make trap beats
Producing quality tracks, always wanting to exceed client expectation.
What makes me different from any other songwriter is I can change up styles and I will never half ass any project.
I create instrumental music and arrangements in a variety of different genres.
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singer looking for prod
Multiplatinum Sound Engineer, collaborate with Universal Music, Warner, Artist First, Believe, Metatron
Drew is a multi-platinum recording engineer/mixer based out of Los Angeles, CA. https://www.drewsliger.com/
Recent Successes
"2nd time around with Jazelle and as usual she was on point. 5 Star service. Never disappoints and always impresses. Always stays professional through entire project. The quality of everything you get from her is just ..."
"Well, Jeff resume and experience speaks for itself, in my case, he delivered exactly the sound and quality i was going after, will keep on working in the near future!"
"Kristin is a total pro. She delivered excellent, tasteful parts, and she turned the project around very quickly. Highly recommend her. I'm looking forward to working together again!"
"Simon did such an amazing job! We really enjoyed working with him and he was able to nail everything for this song. So talented! Will for sure reach out to him again for the next one... Allen "
"The melody came out great, I couldn't have done it without her, thanks!"
"ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. He kept the vibe and core of the song in tact and put up with all my bullshit as i'm super picky! Can't recommend him enough"
"I wish I could give Sakari a hundred stars. She really went all out on my project and delivered a truly inspired and soulful performance. Great voice, sweet person and a total professional. Such a gem. Highly recom..."