Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with AZTX
20+ Million streams worldwide, working with the biggest contemporary artists right now. So, if you're looking for a producer in the hottest seat, who can deliver you top industry sounding productions, then hit me up!
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Hello! My name is Alexander. I'm a mixing and recording engineer from Moscow. I'm ready to work on your mix until you are 100% satisfied. I'm for a friendly approach and a productive communication during all work.
FABER fuses soulful vocals with rocky acidity, nodding to the sounds of Beyoncé and Nova Twins. Some of the names i've worked with include, Little Mix, Diana Ross, Girli, Waze, Maur, and July Jones. I've got a massive belt & I can sure give it some in a live setting.
If you want to add originality to your track...IEDM,funk,rock, jazz chops & harmony to bring to your music. I have a Fazioli Grand piano, PT Professional Studio, innovative sound design.Limitless sound OZMOSYS,Programmed &performed Peter Gabriel on the Growing Up Live projects, I did all the keys and key orchestration on Wayne Shorter’s Highlife)
Bilingual (Spanish) vocalist & topliner. My voice has 42 million streams on Spotify. Toured and performed live for Olivia Rodrigo / Lorde / Julia Michaels / Chiquis Rivera / Broods —- in addition to having Sync and Major Label placements. The international movie 'Leap!', 'Station 19' on ABC, & more.
I'm a mixing engineer with a strong love for all kinds of music. If you have a track, I wanna work with you and make sure you love it as much as I do!! I've worked with songs in rock, punk, pop. If you wanna see what I can do, message me!
I will produce, mix and master your track for a reasonable price that can be negotiated for the size of you budget.
An outside the box edm producer, took a full course from Kygo himself. Looking to expand in the tropical house, dancy type of genre (inspired by Avicii, Kygo and more).
Recent Successes
"I Have Found a Diamond in Don, He is a Perfectionist, His Sound Power is 10 times more than a normal human Being, a Gem of a person. Guys if you your song to sound like Heavan "Don Nafe (TMR Production) is the Right P..."
"Nyali is the absolute truth! So much soul. I'm so grateful for your work mama, thank you for blessing this song! The final product to sounds better than what we imagined."
"Dan is uber professional, creative, has a great voice/sound, quick, responsive, the singer you need. It was a pleasure and I can't wait to work on another song with him. "
"I've been struggling to get the right sound for a guitar solo on this specific song, but he nailed it! What a relief. He added depth, energy and another flavor to the song. Very creative without taking over the music...."
"Michael delivers with flying colors once again 🥳"
"Excellent performance with amazing musicianship and great sound quality. Prompt delivery. Stellar. "
"What can I say - I just love the way this man plays the drums. His feel and precision are making my tracks sound better than I ever thought they could, and if this album ("Fantasy Boulevard, Spring 2022) hits big thi..."
"Working with Isamu is a great experience. This time he made a piano track for one of my new songs and it came out very beautiful. It’s a pleasure every time. I highly recommend him for piano work and arrangement. "
""Richard is without a doubt one of the most talented singers we’ve had the pleasure of working with. His slightly raspy voice combined with a dynamic range that drives our music forward makes him truly irreplaceable. ..."