Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with augus
Musicien, compositeur et mixeur professionnel, contactez moi pour discutez de votre projet. Je peut jouer vos parties de batterie, guitare électrique, guitare acoustique, basse et piano avec de vrais instruments et de vrais amplis à lampes. du tramping est également possible.
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I am a music producer/sound engineer/songwriter based in Hackney, London UK, where I have my studio, The Secret Warehouse of Soun, working with the best up and coming artists. Such as L.A. Salami, Los Bitchos, Declan Welsh, Los Tiger & The Homertons, Bay City Rollers, Gerard Kenny, E17, Randolph Matthews The Dead Pirates, Mixhell and many others.
I am passionate about music and aspiring to work in the music industry. Currently, I reside in Oklahoma, but by August 2016 I will be living in Los Angeles for hire. I have experience with Pro-tools and recording. I am also a singer with quite a big a range and various styles. I can do anything from Christina/Demi to Lorde.
What's up World. Glad to be apart of SoundBetter. I've produced for several multi-platinum artists including Trey Songz, Future, Kevin Gates, Pusha T, August Alsina, R Kelly & more. Let's work! www.soundcloud.com/sksound for more of my discography.
Im August, 21 eyars old and signed on a big scandinavian label called Disco:wax.
Im a 3x platinum songwriter who has created works for- Chris Brown, Marvels "Ant Man", August Alsina, 50cents "Power" series, How To Get Away With Murder, Armon and Trey, Dj Havanna Brow, Rich The Kid, Fox's Empire, and many more clients. I can write for a WIDE range of genres rather it be topline or melody. I look forward to working with you next.
K M Rasheduzzaman Rafi is a Bangladeshi Singer And Musical Artist. The musician was born on 11 Agu 2000 in Feni upazila of Chittagong district in Chittagong division. Rasheduzzaman had a lot of interest in music since his childhood. At the age of 18 he got the support of his family and joined a music band.
Md. Ismail Ahmed is a Businessman
Guitarist, Producer and High end professional Mixer.
Recent Successes
"Brent is as dope as they get. He was patient and took the time to give me the mixes I wanted. Brent's got an amazing ear and some incredible ideas! A++++"
"Matthew is really great and easy to work with and has a sharp talent for steering a song, and developing a different cool vibe- totally recommend Matt for a project you're working on and want a fresh voice! "
"amazing as always"
"What more is there is say about Ash other than...... SHE THE GIRL! Ashley is practically perfect in every way - the Mary Poppins of music who will make your song shine! She's my go-to singer-songwriter and I apologise..."
"A song for which i could not find the proper arrangement for many years, could not find the direction. Shawn took it, found the way in and made it better that i could ever imagine, i repeat myself, i Know, but such a ..."
"First time working with Jeremy, and had a great experience. He was very thorough, kept me well informed of his progress, was easy to work with on the result I was looking for, and delivered a great set of vocal tracks..."
"Easy to work with, timely communication and turnaround and loved the final product! thank you! "
"Project number 7 done with Nate, fantastic as always! nothing beats his energy and enthusiasm that he adds to the track!"