Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with AstralKid22
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I am a professional audio engineer with over 16 years of experience and specialize in music production/recording. I have worked with a variety of artist and genres and I look forward to working with you on your next project.
The record is only as good as it's quality! Don't waste your time promoting a record that hasn't been mixed and mastered professionally!
Lets create something- Writing songs and improvising guitars parts
Mixing & Mastering all genres. Composition services for those who need a hand with writing hooks, melodies and chord progressions or help with finishing off that track that just needs more. Full music production service for those that need sound beds created for their lyrics in pop, electro and dance genres.
Hago canciones, rancheras, baladas, pop, etc.
Composer, arranger/orchestrator and session pianist with several years of experience in music productions, orchestral mock-up, live recording sessions, original music for commercials, shorts, documentaries and more.
Recent Successes
"Simon is a very good bass player, great timing, great groove and the sound is awesome. He recorded for me a bass track putting in much of his taste and the result was excellent. "
"Working with Marcello turned out to be the best experience. With great communication and a fast delivery, Marcello exceeded all expectations. The quality of his work is A plus. I told him a story and from that he was ..."
"Jaqui was great. She had a nice idea for my new song. She is a great singer and a nice person. "
"i got 5 projects with her and i am currently writing the 6th now! she is just so good!"
"Added just what the song needed in terms of covering existing material but also writing entirely new original parts. Super easy to work with and incredibly talented will be working with Jono again on more songs soon. "
"Loved working with CC! Song came out exactly how I wanted, she was patient with revisions and has an incredible voice and talent with writing!"