Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with AshenMoon
I'm sure you've noticed -and felt- the bass parts on the INXS hits. Garry Gary Beers is now available to bring that sound, groove and experience to your track. Hits such as Need You Tonight / Keyboard and electric basses- Never Tear Us Apart, New Sensation, Devil Inside, Suicide Blonde.- P bass, What You Need / Keyboard bass.
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Let’s make your song shine. Rock, Rock & Roll, Hard Rock, Metal, EDM, Electronic music, Blues, Funk and Folk.
I'm one of the best pop and dance music producers in Russia since 2001, always on the top of the list.
Audio engineer
Are you a singer and need some instrumental?! Do you already have an instrumental and need some mixing?! Do you already have it mixed and need some mastering?! I've got you!
Enter a Journey with Idan from Shmoné: Saxophonist, songwriter & vocalist Storyteller. Idan, a humble saxophonist with 8+ years, blends enchanting melodies on global stages. From sold-out shows to heartfelt collaborations, let Idan weave magic into your music.
Berklee graduate Josie Bell is ready to write custom songs for you! She’ll also work with you to write and record the perfect song!
I'm a Pop Producer/Mixing Engineer/Multi-Instrumentalist from Croatia. I specialize in producing entire pop/rock tracks from scratch, as well as mixing and mastering. I own a recording studio with high quality, rare/vintage gear and instruments. I have more than 15 years experience as Session musician, Mixing, Mastering Engineer and Producer.
Warner Chappell, Superpitch, TVT
Recent Successes
"Michael is a high-level professional, very easy and pleasant to work with! Look forward to make it again! Good Luck!"
"Great time working Wes. Gave him my lyrics and a brief description of what I wanted it to sound like. He sent me a sample of a song, asked if I wanted something like it, I okayed it and he went to work. Overall, he di..."
"So good at what he does - Big Recommend!"
"Whether it be laying the foundations of your track or coming in near the end of production, Liz always delivers excellent cello parts of the highest quality. A great pro to collaborate with. "
"Had a blast working with Derek. Derek is beyond professional and combined with his patience and talent he makes someone great to share and work on music with. "
"I was overly picky on my first track with Sam, and he was open and ready to do everything. Great to work with, great communication, open to input, etc. Good work! "
"Jim is very, very good at what he does! I threw him a curveball with this one and took him well outside of the traditional rock we typically do together, but he handled it like a pro and it sounds fantastic! I always ..."
"Good job , we still working on more tracks "
"Amazing singer "