Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Arriba los Corazones
Charango, Ronroco and guitar player based in Brazil, 10+ years experience in studio and live. Voice arrangements and session backing vocalist. Indie rock guitar, heavily influenced by 90s bands (Pixies, Nirvana, Sublime). Music engineer and producer @ Estúdio FC. Barueri/Indaiatuba/São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
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Multi instrumentalist
Tiffany Red is a Grammy-winning songwriter, artist, producer, and content creator; she has written hit songs for some of the biggest names in music, including Zendaya, Jason Derulo, and Cassie. In addition, Tiffany has released seven projects, including her most recent EP, "In My Head."
Session Guitarist/Beatmaker-producer/Songwriter-arranger
if you want a banging hook or concept for your next project let Nipplife Entertainment take it to the Next Level
High-Quality Remixing and Production for the Indie Artist
Music is every feeling we possess, every emotion, I'd like to be part of that.
Mixing hiphop for 21 years. Editing to Mastering did a lot on every step . You'll hear the difference...
A passion for improvising and working out solos that go well with your song. 27 years of experience recording different genres of music. I also do backup singing and songwriting, lyrics and/or music.
Recent Successes
"What i would say is that working with Benny steele was amazing puting in mind the type of our music is afro beat he was very petient with us and the result is amazing our artist papa dennis is feeling like heaven. I w..."
"A mix between Leona Lewis and Demi Lovato, Julia is one of the most powerful, emotional, talented, and professional artists that I have ever worked with."
"Hugo is always willing to work to any requirements I may have. This along with his spectacular service is why I continue to come back again and again."
"Once again, Calvin took a song idea and put it into the stratosphere. I continue to be delighted and blown away withy each project that we do together. Great producer, great ear, and great singer. Communication is alw..."
"World-class vocal talent that resurrected Johnny Cash, Steve put his ideas into the song and made it even better. Quick to respond and was happy to make edits which were mistakes on my part. Grateful to work with him. "
"Phenomenal experience. Danny was careful to listen to my special requests, while also using his skills and professionalism to bring out the best in my song. I'm excited to share this one with my listeners! "
"Incredible result. A pleasure to have your skills. Thanks again."
"Ziv is a virtuoso who breathed new life into my piece. Absolutely recommend for serious projects."