Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Arnoux
I played bass (and other instruments too) in dozens of records, ranging from rock to pop to electronic and experimental music. I love love love arranging other people music.
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Blaise started making music with NSG Porductions he started making beats at the age of 16 years old, him and his crew now roll with the label Hit Star Productions. Blaise is the 16 year old CEO for 2015 in Toronto, Ontario Canada.
We provide our best service to you to make your ideas reality...musically. We put effort in make sure your message get put across
🎶MP3 (non-exclusive) - $25🎶 🎧mix & mastering (songs) - $50🎧 🎹MP3+WAV (custom exclusive beats) - $100🎹 🎵MP3+WAV+trackouts (exclusive rights) - $150🎵 Sign up to my email list for 🚨2 FREE BEATS🚨 and also, for new exclusive releases and discounts on 🔥unreleased beats🔥. http://eepurl.com/dh7Kc5
I have an unhealthy obsession for perfection. Some might call it a weakness, I call it my greatest strength. It keeps me constantly learning, and striving to get your sound to sound the best it can, each and every single time.
I live for music and make music for life
Ready to bring your music to life? I'm an experienced audio engineer with a passion for mixing and mastering. I blend the best of analog and digital techniques to make your music stand out. I'm all about the details, but I'm also all about speed! Your vision is my priority, and I'm here to make your music sound exactly the way you imagine it. Let's
I played bass (and other instruments too) in dozens of records, ranging from rock to pop to electronic and experimental music. I love love love arranging other people music.
New York City based Session Guitarist, with a Berklee Degree, 3 albums to my name, and years of experience playing live, recording in the Studio, and writing arrangements for artists. I play and record professional Electric, Acoustic and Nylon string guitars, specialized in World Music, Indie Rock, Old Time Jazz, and Latin American/Flamenco styles.
Recent Successes
"I had a great experience working with Amilli. I recommend them to anyone who is looking for top quality production. The communication was great through out the entire process and they paid great attention to every det..."
"He really know which notes will fit perfectly to the track. He made so catchy topline for my track. I cant but right now my track is so much better. Thanks man!🔥🔥🔥"
"An absolute pleasure to work with, a consummate professional, punctual with an amazing voice, great ear and stylistically very flexible! Thank you Maria for making this project so amazing!"
"Great to work with. Communication went easy, and he quickly gave the song the right beat. 10/10 "
"Ziv is amazing. The instructions I gave him for the part were - "would like the guitar solo to be the sonic representation of the US military tracking down and capturing illegal immigrants." I told a friend about ..."
"What a completed musician! João isn't just a great guitarist but also an incredible composer and arranger!"
"Wonderful experience with Yoed - very professional, great end result and would use his services again. "
"Yoad is the best! No one I trust more for my mixes! He is so quick and does incredible work- I rarely have notes! He rocks!"
"Alex is professional, detailed, talented, and always willing to go above and beyond the call of duty. Thanks, Alex."
"amazing to work with. Creates amazing songs and communicates very well. would 100% recommend anyone work with Cole! "