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Armagh Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I'm a music producer, songwriter, and guitarist with a passion for pop, dance, and indie music.
👁 🔺 Singer-Songwriter-Entreprenuer
Hi! My name is Raz Davidov and I am a music producer and DJ living in Los Angeles.
My name is Jared Harty and I am a metal guitarist and metal mixing engineer. I create guitar and mixes that sound like the classic metal of the 80s. Looking to sound like Iron Maiden or Judas Preist? If so, feel free to contact me!
Mixing is one of our strong points. Whether electronic, jazz, acoustic, pop,dance music or crossover: We work hard on every detail, and on every project, to achieve the best possible results for our clients.
I have an audio engineering certificate from SAE Istanbul, and I have been in the industry over ten years as an mastering engineers/tonmeister/A&R for some labels.
Hi, I'm Mauro Rodriguez. I am a professional musical producer. I create music for various artists, co produce for others and my job is about making music. I work on a variety of styles/genres - ranging from gentle ballads, afrobeats to hard trap beats . Love to get in contact with new artists and participate on different music worlds.
Audio Engineer, Producer
Recent Successes
"Rob was phenomenal from start to finish. Not only did he do a great job with the mix & master, he took the time to explain the technical decisions he was making. Would definitely work with him again! "
"Myah is an extremely talented vocalist who gave me exactly what i had envisioned, her interpretation of my song"Shock the World " was spot on ! Great communication and professionalism looking forward to working with h..."
"this guy is a beast !!!! great job!! great attention to detail .. music is all about detail !! to create a song everything must fit to sound like one sound !! Austin did a great job of making everything one !! a lot o..."
"Suwon was so easy to work with. She was quick to made the suggested changes and the end result was exactly what I wanted. An amazing job! Thanks Suwon!"
"Rob is a multi-talented artist who helped to lift my song to another level with his distinctive vocals, creative ideas and passion for the project. I wish I found him sooner and look forward to collaborating again."
"Amazing flutist !!! Great communication! Top notch experience! Highly recommended !!!"
"Zach is a genius. We did another hit together! Always a pleasure to work with him!"