Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Anna Mieke
Middle Ridge Studio is a one room log cabin recording studio on the V6 Ranch in Parkfield, California. The studio is owned and operated by Sound Engineer Cian Hamilton from Sligo, Ireland. Cian has worked with some of Ireland's premier folk musicians including Anna Mieke, Ultan O'Brien and Antonio O'Breskey, Alannah Thornburgh, Alfi and more.
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Keyboardist, Producer, Composer, Mixing & Mastering Engineer
With a background in drumming for many different artists and groups and many different styles I can drum to nearly anything. I also am a great audio engineer with strong points in mixing,mastering, and post production. No job is too big or small feel free to ask me any questions!
Jesse House is a producer, sound designer, live sound and recording technician. Jesse is the East Coast Rep for Keith McMillen Instruments and an AV Specialist at Stevens Institute of Technology where he received a degree in audio engineering with a concentration in psychoacoustics.
I always pour my heart into the songs in whatever forms I'm participating in. But it's not about pouring "MY" heart into your songs, I sync the frequencies of my vibe into your vision. Make it come true-
Im Bigg Zacc. I always freestyled and dibbled wit poetery. Ive been thru alot including a bit in the big house. My expieremces in life are what shapes me. I know I got what it takes. Just need an engineer persay to perfect all my realeases before they go out to the world. Im not in the stages of trying to get rich. I cant skip getting noticed.
I want to serve your song to help reach it's full potential!
Music Producer from the Philippines, Awit Award nominee.
Electronic Sound Artist , composer and producer
Recent Successes
"Great mixing and mastering. Highly recommended!"
"Amazing work as always... a great vocalist and collaborator. Really enjoying working with Zach."
"Psymbionic has amazing ears! John is really easy to work with, did great work on making my mixes cleaner, louder, and wider, without sounding harsh or over compressed. 10/10 would recommend!"
"I had a great experience working with Max, whose generosity, musical instincts and open collaborative approach has helped me in turn my song, into something very special. He is a gifted producer with a beautiful heart..."
"Elieen was a great collaborator! She delivered incredible vocals, and I look forward to getting the chance to work with her in the future. "
"Thank you for helping me bring life and emotion into my song Jimmy! Jimmy was very responsive, focused and willing to working with the different ideas I had. He grasped what I wanted for the song and brought the visio..."
"Thanks for a great Job as usual. On to the next one.......Michael"
"Again, I wouldn't dream of letting anyone else near my sessions to edit or tune. Elias is simply the BEST - hands down! He is ALWAYS meticulous, professional, and accurate - always! There simply is no one better. And ..."
"A fantastic experience, M4NNy bought my music to life! Very easy process, no hassles. Took my suggestions on board, and was determined to bring out what was in my head! Highly recommend."